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Before anyone can say in the comment section, I am really the original writer of "Pretend You Don't Know Me [RE-UPLOAD]." There is nothing on this account because the one and only website I upload my works to is Ao3, and that is where I want it to stay, unless otherwise given permission by me. 

Anyway, please stop reposting my work onto this website, especially "Pretend You Don't Know Me! [RE-UPLOAD]" because as of August 25th, 2019, this particular fic has been stolen and reposted here without my explicit acknowledge and permission to do so three times. I was disrespected and ignored three times. In all my works, since 2018, has always had this banner on it:


Every. Single. One. 

Why? Because people think it's okay to take my work(s) and repost them without asking, or even telling me. That's completely disrespectful and ultimately discouraging. I love superheroes, but I can't find myself writing for MCU again if people continue to pull this on me, especially since I know that they do so disregarding my wishes. 

To give more emphasis, on the original post, I also explicitly stated:

Also, please note that this author really hates Wattpad and will never consent to any of their works being posted there. Thank you. 

It's kind of hard to miss—purposefully—and yet, my work was still reposted two more times on this site. If that isn't disrespect at the highest, then I don't know what is. So, that being said, if you ever see my work(s) on Wattpad, please  help me out by notifying me and telling the reposter to take it down. I greatly appreciate it. 

"But I just wanted to share your work!" you say. "I think it's really great!" 

And I'm glad. Of course, you can share it. By linking it. Because if you don't and think it's okay to just repost it, the original author gets nothing while you ride on someone else's hard work. All those comments are not yours, along with all those likes and ratings. I don't speak for all artists and creators, but unless they explicitly say it's okay to repost their works (with credit and source, of course), it's only decent human manners to ask if it's okay first. Some will say no, but many will appreciate being asked. Otherwise, it feels like being automatically treated like trash because you didn't even bother telling them anything. 

"You should be glad!" you argue perhaps. "I'm giving you exposure! More people will know you!"

Well, thing is I didn't ask. Mostly, I didn't want it. Not like this. 

Most of the time, reposting of other people's works do not bring back a lot of traffic back to them, especially if you don't link the original. Most viewers don't bother to go to the links to leave a message or a kudos. And some people have preferences as to where their works are upload, and I say for myself: Wattpad, Pinterest, and WeHeartIt are not my preference. They will never be my preference; hence, none of my fanfics are uploaded here. 

I have a list of people who I hope never interacts with my work(s) again, and that's not really want you want as a content creator. :)

If there's anymore to add, I'll be sure to update you on it. If you got any questions, I'd be happy to answer it in the comment section. Thank you for reading. 

Responses to the comments I've come across on the stolen versions of my work:

- Yeah, those names are DC references; I'm a huge fan. Also, Hal Grayson is an actual canon character from Superman/Batman (2006) from a mash-up universe. I didn't have to make him up because he already existed. No, I'm not going to write a Marvel/DC crossover; you'd have to pay me first. 

- "Pregnant pause" is an actual phrase, meaning: "a technique of comic timing used to accentuate a comedy element, where the comic pauses at the end of a phrase to build up suspense." It's used to build suspense. Some words, sometimes in a combinations of phrases, have more than one definition or way to use it. (Is this just an old phrase nobody uses anymore?)

Pretend You Don't Know Me! [Re-Upload]: A ResponseWhere stories live. Discover now