Prt: 1

42 1 0

You enter school seeing Daniel and his little group drooling all over Vanessa  the girls most slutiest bitch around "yup

She fucked almost half of the boys in campus no joke

And Daniel well let's just say he is absolutely annoying
I cant stand him an this other 4 dudes they think they are all that when they can instanty die for fucking so many bitches

But oh well not my fault "

U walk pass them an then there goes that little saying the say to every ligit every girl

" Damn I can tap that"
Yup annoying right

It gets worse " Daniel had the Audosity to slap it to" so I turn and smack his smirk off and said " don't ever dare to touch me asswipe

The other guys all "oooed "and Daniel was shocked

U walked into class forgetting that u have Daniel

An ofc he could never stop looking at you

Then Mrs Smith ,the biology teacher said

" ok guys today I'm going to asign a project that u will have to finish with your partner"

Kim with Josh.,  jake with Veronica
(Daniel with y/n)
You then let your head drop on your desk everyone turned and laughed 

U felt like like crying ( not because of embracment but because u had Daniel)
U got home and  hear your phone ring

You ; hello?

Unknown : hey it's me Daniel

Daniel : umm can I come over to finish the project

You : umm sure


Daniel seavey the school fuckboy Where stories live. Discover now