This Is Home ~ Imallexx

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Often I am upset

Why can't i just be happy? Why does everyone hate me? I've never done ANYTHING to ANYONE in this damn place. Maybe life's just not for me.

"Hi" A small boy who looked to be about 16, my age, slid down the school fence next to me. "I'm Alex."

I cannot fall in love

"It's just a kiss, y/n. We're still friends." I smiled at Alex's words, leaning in to hug him. Maybe he's right. I don't have feelings for him, that would just ruin our friendship. I was silly to think anything more of it.

This avoids the stress of falling out of it

"Get out of my room, James!" Alex threw a lamp at the skinny, well tanned boy before him. "You're nothing but a liar and a fucking cheat looking for a quick shag!" He said wiping everything off his desk.

I walked up to Alex's now ex-boyfriend and put a finger harshly to his chest. "You need to leave. And I don't want to see you around here ever again." I then ran over to where Alex was seated, curled up on the floor, back against his bedframe, and held him close. "It's okay. He's not worth it."

Are you tired of me yet

"Will you just leave me alone already?! I'm so sick of you trying to control me!" I yelled, slamming my door in my best friend's face. I didn't mean it. I know he was just looking out for me but I had finally found friends other than him. They seem nice, no way they're using me.

"I know you'll let me in so I'll sit out here all night if I have to." I smiled. I knew he wouldn't leave.

I'm a little sick right now

"Open your mouth." I shook my head at him. We were under my blankets on my bed watching Lord Of The Rings. "I can eat soup myself you don't have to fee-" he stuck the spoon in my mouth and I feel it slide down my raspy throat, soothing it almost instantly. "Nonsense." He said and smiled, putting the soup down and pulling me close to him.

"Now shut up I'm trying to hear my movie."

When I'm ready I'll fly us out of here

I stood there in shock. "How did you get these?!" I asked, taking the tickets to London out of his hand. "YouTube. CPM's not low at all right now, actually. That's also how I afforded our flat."

I smiled and jumped up into his lap giggling. We fell back on the bed, my legs on either side of his. "I could kiss you right now!" I said out loud, making me covered my mouth in embarrassment.

He removed my hands and slowly leaned into me before closing the gap between us, connecting our lips. It only lasted a minute or so, but in that moment I felt something with him I haven't before.

I'll cut my hair just to make you stare

"Ta-da!" He said, spinning around in the barbers chair with jazz hands, forcing a small laugh out of me. I quite liked his hair this way. He stood up and walked over to me. He stood over me and smiled, almost looking... nervous?

"How does it look?" He said, looking into my eyes. I stared into his, running my fingers through his silky hair.


I'll hide my chest and I'll figure out a way to het us out of here

"Y/n! Are you okay!" My parental unit yelled through the door. "Shit," I whisper yelled to Alex, motioning for him to put his shirt on, "Get out of here!" He ran around covering his chest with his bare arms, before climbing back down the ladder he but used to climb into my window, still shirtless.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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