changes • min yoongi

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You may know the feeling, when you just can not bare it within yourself anymore and are ready to jump off of a cliff and fall into the cold water of the ocean letting it touch your body and make you feel the pain crawl inside your veins.

That's how I was feeling when I met her, at the edge of the cliff,

one year ago.

Cynical , how both of us were bothered by suicidal thoughts, yet she always managed to see the world positively,to see the light in the darkness and hope in emptiness.

She said, she had a dream. She wanted to see cherry blossoms in winter. funny,but That's how she kept herself alive all this time and she was ready to give up on her life the moment she saw the mesmerizing view- pink flowers falling from  pink tree, landing on a white, glittery surface.

She was the owner of the name as beautiful as her.




Just thinking about her name made me
dizzy, confused,i missed her every day,every moment,every second.

Whenever I felt the deficiency of her scent, the warm touch of her hands on my face, saying "it will all be okay, we have a dream together, remember? We will stay together until we see cherry blossoms fall in the winter."

But all the dreams started falling apart, her fragile voice was telling me she would hold on but i could see in her eyes that she could not, not anymore.

So here I am now, holding a brench of dead cherry blossoms,the scent so familiar for me that it was making me hard to breathe, it smelled just like she once did.

What a scenery it must have been...

A guy, standing at the edge of a cliff, holding a branch of beautiful memories, while tears are making their way out of his now reddish eyes.

Time had flown, yet the reason of her being so selfish was unknown to me,the reason she was so cruel to my already damaged,broken  heart, the reason that made you forget about me,about our dream of seeing cherry blossom in winter,why did you not wait to see it? Why did you let go of what you've been holding onto for so long in an instance,

Why did you forget about your dream



and why am i about to do the same thing, why am i about to give up,
give up on our dream you already let go of.
give up on the memories you gave me to treasure.
give up on life and myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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