First day (part 1)

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Kaminari pov

First day of school.

“BEEP BEEP BEEP” my alarm clock went off at 6:30 i wanted to punch it and go back to sleep but i knew i had to get up. First day of school. I thought, way more unenthused than most people would be on their first day of hero school. “BEEP BEEP BE-” I shut off the alarm and groan as I get out of bed. I go to my closet and change into the uniform, a white dress shirt, a grey blazer with dark teal stripes and a red tie, along with knee high black socks and a skirt the same color as the stripes on the blazer. I sigh and brush my hair,leaving it down but bringing a hair tie just in case. “Douru,come down and eat with us before you go to school!” my mother calls from downstairs 

“Yes mother” I shout down the stairs before I grab my bag and put on some makeup before running downstairs to eat breakfast with my parents. 

“look at my big girl, off to highschool ” my mother says to me. I groan and sit down at the table, I barely eat, but enough to avoid conversion. I decided to leave early so that I didn't have to rush at all.

I get up from the table 

“I'm going to leave now ” I inform my parents before going to put on my shoes and grabbing my bag. 

“alright have fun sweetie” my mother replied, my father just nods. I leave the house and head to school.

Sero pov


I wake up realizing that I missed my alarm, I look at the time, 7:30?! I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, I run back to the closet to put on my uniform, I run to the kitchen to grab a granola bar before I leave I gave a quick 

“got to go ” to my dad before I leave, I hear him start to answer but I'm already out the door and running. I'm almost there but I run into someone.  I hear a yelp and I'm on the ground, a cute blonde girl next to me. She looked sad and rubbed the back of her hair. I stand up quickly 

“I'm so sorry ” I say extending a hand. She takes it and I help her up 

“it's fine!” she says giving a smile. I smile back and check the time 7:55 “five minutes” I say to myself. She looks at me “do you go to UA?” she asks. I nod 

“yeah, this is my first year”

The girls face lights up a bit 

“me too”she says cheerfully. 

“My name is Hanta Sero, I'm in class 1-A” i say extending a hand for a proper introduction. She smiles, then hesitates 

“I'm Kaminari, I'm also in class 1-A”she shakes my hand. We head into the big building together and find our classroom. 

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