The Entrance Exam :)

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A/N: Thanks for reading this story! Just to give you guys a heads up my writing is really crappy, so you'll find a ton of mistakes.

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Here is a key to get you started:

Y/N = Your name

L/N = Your last name

Italics are your thoughts.

Ok on with the story!!


You left. Quietly slipping out of the house, careful not to wake your treacherous mother. You loathed her. She never cared about you and only ever used you as a personal servant and as a piggy bank to buy stuff for your stupid ass brother. You didn't really care if you were going to be enormously early to the entrance exam for your dream school U.A. You just wanted to get out of the house.

In this world, 80% of the population had powers called quirks. Unfortunately not all good came with that. Some people misused their powers for personal gain and became villains. Thankfully heroes rose up and fought back. They were renowned and praised for their power and strive for the greater good. You wanted to become one of those heroes, to make sure that no one suffered the same fate as you. And your path started with the most famous hero school U.A.

Your quirk was called Phoenix. It allowed you to emit fire from your body and control and form it into different weapons of your choice. The fire was cool when you touched it, but the temperature it was when it made contact with others was up to you. It required immense concentration and meant that when you weren't focused you could get burned. Your mother was quirkless and your brother hadn't manifested his quirk yet so you were confused as to where you got your quirk from. You had never met your father and whenever you asked your mother, she would hit you and tell you to get back to work.

As you entered the gates to the prestigious U.A high school you were amazed by its sheer size and beauty. Even in the pitch-black darkness, it stood out like a ray of sunshine. "What are you doing here?"

You spun around and were met by the tired eyes of the pro hero Eraser Head. "I'm here for the entrance exam... Sensei." He seemed surprised that you had called him that but quickly resumed his fatigued demeanour.

"Why are you here so early." You didn't want to tell him the real reason you were so early so you blabbered the only thing that came to mind at that moment.

"A good hero is always on her toes sir." Even though he raised an eyebrow the pro hero seemed satisfied by your answer and continued on walking.

"Nice attitude kid but that's not the only thing you'll need to survive out there as a hero." "I'm sure I'll tick all the boxes Sensei." You reply nonchalantly. "We'll see kid if you pass that is." And with that, he walked away.


You spent time walking around the grounds of the school consumed in your own thoughts until you bumped into a certain duel candy cane coloured hair boy. You stifled a sorry without bothering to look up and continued on walking, you were a tad bit worried about the practical exam and you really didn't feel like social interactions right now, until he grabbed your hand. You looked up towards him and stared into his monochromatic eyes. You swore you've seen those gorgeous eyes before, but as hard as you tried to recall you couldn't remember. "Excuse me."

You said as you tried to pull your hand out of his grasp, but he held on tight. Slowly he whispered your name. "F/N."

"Do I know you?" His face fell.

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