I am Error

110 6 5

I know you've met me once before

And I have a face you can't help but remember

Although you haven't got my name quite right

You seem certain to call me Error

But that's all a mistake, that's not my name

Nor do I recall telling you anything of the like

I'm not going to give you a guess

My name's not Rumpelstiltskin

It may well have been twenty years since we met

Though I don't know how you got my name all twisted up like that

And I can assure you, I'm definitely not innominate

It is true, my name can be translated into binary

But I won't confuse you with the numbers

Instead I'll just tell you

Make sure you remember this time

I don't want to have to remind you again

Next time, I'll take that green cap of yours

And walk away, consider it my suit-winnings

Listen closely now

Don't forget this time

My name is...ERROR

I am ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now