A Prelude

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To the discoverer of this piece:

I am long gone by the time you find this letter - I have carefully hidden it in the back of the stacks int the interior of a book not checked out since the earliest days of this library. The was careful instruction in the placing of it in the manner of my passing. If this mattered not, I should have gone without a single word. The curious events that have led me to place ink to paper are deeply rooted in the importance of life. You are now the keeper of my untold fate and this leaves you with several options. You could, of course, stop this moment and place the book back in the stacks. Who knows who else would pick it up? You could destroy it. I have no power over what you do to these delicate pages anymore. Set it ablaze, tear it to shreds - in this instance the sword is indeed mightier than the pen. You could read it. Oh, were you to read it. I warn you, this is no happy tale. Yet nor is it quite so sad. It is a curious, curious account that may very well end in my passing on, such be the strangeness of its contents. 

I bid you choose, and I bid you choose wisely. 

I am now, for the time, yours. 


To The ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora