Find the Cure

21 2 0

Dadish!Tony with Peter

NOT xReader

Word Count: 1,451

Request by Anon: How about Tony and Peter are living in a Zombie Apocalypse for some time now. And now one of them is bitten - for you to choose - and the only way to stop the transformation is to take out the heart before he turns. I expect lots of father and son fluff and how they will not be able to live without the other anymore. Have fun ;)

A/N: I'm sorry I wasn't sure how to write the removing heart part, so I went with something different and typical I hope you don't mind, sorry.

When Tony thought about the world ending, he did not think it would be like this.

A dark desolate world, where everyone he loved, where there wasn't anyone but him left alive, sure.

The world exploding into a centillion pieces.

But, this? Never in a million years did he think it would happen.

When the outbreak started it was slow. Only a few people had been turned. That shouldn't have been a problem.

In retrospect, he should have paid more attention to it. He shouldn't have trusted that someone would do something about it. At least the proper way.

No, instead things got worse.

The ones that didn't survive were lost and Tony would die trying to figure out how to fix this.

Yet, every time he got close to a cure the strain would grow stronger.

He might be smart, but he was no doctor. However, he would do all he could until his finally took his last breath.

He was going to fix this world, if not for himself or everyone else, but for Peter. The boy didn't deserve this. He'd lost so much already in his young life. Now, he'd lost everything.

They only had each other left now. They did their best to not leave the tower, even with their super suits and Peter's powers it was much too dangerous to go out there. They did when they had to though.

Whether it was to find extra food, or to get a sample of the ever growing strain. They were careful though. They knew they had to be, if not for themselves, but for eachother. The longer this apocalypse lasted, the closer they got. They were the only family either had left and nothing would change that.

It'd been a rough day for both of them. Patience was running thin, they'd been working for months now, and again they were nowhere.

All Tony wanted was a stiff drink and to get some sleep. But neither of those things were options.

It didn't help Peter at all, he was tired too. He just wanted all of this to be over. What was the reason of doing all this. It was obvious they were getting nowhere. They'd be better off finding whatever humans they could that might be left and joining them.

So, he spoke what he was thinking, not really thinking what it meant.

Tony ended up swiping all their work off of the tabletop in a fit of rage. "If you think this isn't going anywhere why are you still here?!"

Peter flinched and looked back to Tony. It hurt, but he knew by now that Tony didn't mean that as he wanted him to leave. "Because, I'm not going to abandon you Tony." Yes, he had taken to calling him Tony. If they were the only one's left in the world there was no reason to keep the niceties.

"This is pointless! We are never going to figure out how to fix this!" Tony shouted, in frustration. "Every fucking time we get ahead something happens and we get set back 10 steps!"

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