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I was happy but he bringed me down.

I was proud of myself today but yet... he wasn't.

I was laughing...


And not crying...

But yet he loves to bring hate.

Now I know life will have its ups and downs...

But why should it be others that hurts us...

Kills us...

Brakes us....


We keep a smile everyday hiding from the truth...

Others think nothing of us...

But we... we are hiding under a smile

Yes it's life but why should it just so much...

No one is perfect but yet you expect us to be...


I'm not perfect!

Don't you know your words can kill.

Don't you know your words hurt.

There's a saying, "sticks and stones maybe break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

This saying is wrong, yes sticks and stones can break are bones but words... they can break are hearts and our soul.

Words are something we think define us but your wrong, words should just be words not something to make us hide are self. Not something to make us worry about. NOT something for us to be afraid of.

Word hurt...

Call me ugly...

Call me stupid...

Call me disgusting...

Call me... nothing

These words... they hurt don't you know....

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