My Letter To Eli.

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I don't even know how to start this letter.

You told me to keep an eye on Damien and Hazel. It's getting harder and harder to do. Damien and I, it seems like we are growing apart. We don't let each other in anymore. He's gotten quieter and so have I. I don't think anyone realizes that every smile, every laugh, and every "I love you" is forced. I don't want to smile, laugh, or anything, without you here. But I have to, don't I? Not only for you, but for Damien, Hazel, Indigo, Cia.

Everyone else.

I wish I could tell you that I kept my promise to you. The one about me stopping my cutting. But I can't. I still cut. Every night.

 It's getting harder, and harder to go on. I'm not sure how much longer I can last here.

Eli, you just need to come home. Tell me that everything will get better. That Damien will start to open up to me again. That mine and his relationship is going to last. That we will become one. Because I don't believe it. I don't see that happening. Not with the way we are.

We need you here. And you left us. I can't forgive you for that. It's not possible.

I'm sorry, Eli.

I can't continue on here.

I'll see you one day. One day soon.

I love you.

Forever your little brother,


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