Chapter One

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They went in and saw the painting in the middle of the room. The Doctor turned to the man, "Is this the painting you've been talking out?" he inquired, the man spoke, a scared little boys speech, but with more confidence than usually, he had the Doctor by his side, "Y..yes, but look, the eyes, they follow you." The Doctor walked around the painting, it was a flattering image of the late Miss Maeror-Meror, the last known view of her before she went mad and started to kill. The last person that saw her was the painter of said picture.

"Miserable old cow, isn't she?" remarked the Doctor as he was still walking around the room, her eyes following him as he did so. "What?" said the man, whom was engrossed in her eyes as well, staring at her as if he couldn't look away, as if her very image was burning its way through the man's flesh. He looked away. "Right, I can tell you that her eyes are not following you, it's an illusion," stated the Doctor as he reached for his sonic screwdriver. "Well I think that it's one of those things you hear, old horror stories, her last known image, and she's still alive inside of it,"

The Doctor stopped sonicing and turned to face the man, "That's very good, what was your name again?" The man hesitated, "Um, Albert." The Doctor stuck his hand out, "Albert, not the best name choice, I'll call you Jeff, I'm the Doctor," Jeff shook the Doctor's hand, "You're wrong," The Doctor turned away and started to sonic from one side of the wall, pass the painting and to the other side of the wall, "slap bang in the middle of the room, precisely, to the thousandth decimal place," Jeff looked at the Doctor confused, "What is that?"

"Oh, this," said the Doctor, pointing at his sonic, "Don't you worry your primitive mind on things like this, all you need to know is that this painting is in the precise location in this room to provide this illusion, the eyes are in the exact middle of this wall."

"But why would anyone go through all the trouble to make it exactly in the centre?", the Doctor looked surprised at Jeff, "You'll go far, now come with me," the doctor started to walk out the door, "Go where?" quizzed Jeff, the Doctor stopped at the doorway, turned around slowly and with a smirk on his face, "We're gonna find out some answers!"

He lead Jeff out through the corridors of the ancient house, to a small blue cupboard. The Doctor opened the doors and lead his way through into a large room which had lights spinning around and a hexagonal machine in the centre. "What on earth?" he said, as the doctor wandered around it, flicked some switches and pulled a massive lever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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