Beginner's Luck

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(Reader's POV)
Another day, another dollar. That is what everyone says. Instead for me, it's "another day, another application. Maybe some money." All my life, I dreamed of making it big in Hollywood. The rolling hills. The land of fame. I wanted a star on the walk of fame once upon a time.
Only now, I realize how far that fairy tale ending of mine really is. You don't just go right to fame, you have to struggle to get what you want. Oh, was I in the "struggle phase." I was an actress, but an actress constantly taking roles of extras instead of leading roles. I got by with the pay, it wasn't great, but it kept my head above water. Or, kept my ass in a stupidly expensive studio apartment.
I never gave up on my dream though. No matter how hard I had to struggle for this damn dream, I was going to live the life. I was going to buy myself a house, then my parents, then my dog... I was going to get my star on the walk of fame, get myself onto the big screen, get myself out of the slums. My hands would grip that dream harder than I've ever gripped before.
On this particular day, in my studio apartment, I was sitting at my desk. My laptop was seated in front of me on the wooden top, open to a casting call website. I swear, I had already applied for god knows how many jobs. Extras, big screen, leading roles, small startup roles, Hell, even janitorial services for after shooting was over. Anything to get my foot in the door, no matter how measly the job seemed in my head. A small notification popped up in the corner of my screen, an email from a company called "Casting Services." Curiously, I opened up the email, expecting yet another rejection email for a role I applied for. Contrary to my beliefs, it was actually a scouting email. This company was contacting me, seeing my full potential, to get me out into the broad land of opportunity. I must've read the email one hundred times. Shakily, my heart beating fast, my slender fingers typed out an educated response, basically saying, without being too eager, I was all too willing to work with the company in any way possible. I gripped my chest roughly, my air passage getting a little tighter with excitement.
It didn't take long to get an email response back. The company was glad to see I was a willing participant in my own future, and invited me for a meeting with the casting director of the company. We set up a time to meet for dinner, which happened to be the same night. I don't think I could've waited much longer to hear my fate. I looked up the place and noticed it was a bit on the fancier side, so I went to my closet to see what I had that would be suitable. In the back of my closet, a formal skin tight silk dress hung perfectly on a hanger. It was a dress I hadn't worn in... years. Probably since I was 18. I was well into my 20's now, but my body was still as curvy as it was when I was 18. I took it out along with a pair of black heels, setting them on my bed and going to freshen up quickly.
I ended up putting a little bit of light makeup on, not caking too much on a the time. My (h/c) hair was wavy and pulled to the side, all of it resting on one shoulder. I pinned the side back so it would stay just like that, feeling like my head was done. I slipped into the dress, instantly feeling like a million dollars. By the time my heels were secure and comfortable, it was time for me to travel across town to the restaurant. When I got there, she was waiting for me. By she, I mean the casting consultant. A waiter sat me down across from her, not before shaking hands though.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)." She smiled at me promptly, and her whole face was just glowing. It was infectious, and only made me smile back.
"Thank you for having me. I never quite got your name, though."
"Oh, no big deal. Please just call me Morgan. I want both you and I to be comfortable throughout this whole ordeal, okay?" Morgan smiled at me once again, picking up her glass of water and taking the sip. "So, (y/n), I want to tell you why I've brought you here. I think you have immense potential in the acting field, you just haven't been given the chance to really shine, if you know what I mean. I, and everyone at Casting Services, want to give you that chance."
"It feels really good to hear someone say that, Morgan. All I've wanted is to get on that screen, big or small. I just need that little push, and I promise I won't let down. I know what I want and I'm determined to get it."
"I like that determination, (y/n). There's not many young people such as yourself that are willing to throw themselves into their dreams like you. You give me hope for the future of our company." My cheeks turned pink as I smiled wide, a fluttering feeling in the bottom of my stomach. Morgan and I talked for awhile longer about my dreams, the goal of the company, and so much more. After eating a little and talking for a few hours, Morgan stared at me intensely. "(Y/n), I'm going to put all of my faith in you right now. You are the person that I think is going to rock the Hollywood community. I want you out there making your name right away. Casting Services is hosting a meet and greet type party at one of our facilities, and I want to personally invite you. I know it's short notice, but it is tonight. If you can't make it, I completely understand. I just want to give you that shot you need as soon as I possibly can. You're groundbreaking, (y/n)."
Before I knew it, the word yes slipped out of my mouth and into Morgan's ears. She smiled gleefully and stood, extending her hand towards me. I reached out and took it, and within the blink of an eye, I was in an escort vehicle with her on the way to the party. It was a good thing I decided to wear the dress and heels. I knew we were getting close to the party by the music progressively getting louder. The neighborhoods slowly changed before we started getting into the real rolling hills, to a large facility places strategically over the entirety of Hollywood. Morgan acted as my chaperone for the night, introducing me to large scale producers and directors, along with top of the line celebrities. I felt really strange around all of the people that were obviously on a whole different level than I was. Pros in their field, while I was a minnow, swimming in a pool filled will sharks. I felt intimidated, but empowered at the same time. It was a really strange feeling.
Producers and executives actually seemed genuinely interested in my line of work and what I felt I had to offer for any business willing to take me. I was given taken aback looks when I told them I wanted to be the next Winona Ryder. That woman had always been my role model, and the person that inspired me to follow my dreams and be different than everyone else around me. They almost looked shocked, like people were usually rendered speechless when they were among the big wigs of Hollywood. I felt like they were almost impressed with my courage to go and talk to them at my first event. It was thrilling, to say the least. The twinkling lights sparkled around me as I navigated my way through the building. Only then did I realize I was in my own real movie. This is what everyone saw the film industry as. Shockingly, I was living it. My dream wasn't so far away from my grasp now.
Many of the celebrities I saw at the party were people I looked up to. Among them were people like Millie Bobby Brown, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert Pattinson, and so, so many other people. I was honestly star struck. The night really felt like it couldn't get any better. Then, it did. Somehow, my life changing, career changing night got better. My first celebrity crush just happened to be at the party, talking humbly with his peers. My heart thumped in my chest as we made eye contact for only a second, but the second felt like a million seconds to me. He was stunning, even when he wasn't trying to be. That man was every woman or man's dream. I gathered up my courage, and somehow was able to talk to him. Luckily for me, he was just finishing a conversation and walking my way.
"Keanu? Hi! You've never met me before but I must say... I'm a huge fan." I smiled at him lightly, extending my hand out for him to shake. He took it in his hand and planted a small kiss on it, smiling at me.
"I'm glad to hear that. You've caused a ruckus around this party, stirred up a few drinks in this place. Impressive." My cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree, rendering me speechless.
"I- Really? That's incredible. I'm just trying to get my start out in this world. I have to say, Keanu, you look really handsome tonight. I hope I don't make this awkward, but you were my first celebrity crush. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure really has a strong hold on me." I laughed quietly, and he smiled at me, chuckling softly.
"You're stunning tonight, (y/n). You're going to shatter the film industry. Keep in touch, okay? I'm sure we'll be working together in no time. You've got something special." He planted one more light kiss on my hand before letting me go, and like that, he was on his way to bigger and better things. The night felt so surreal, I pinched myself just to make sure it wasn't a dream.
After my encounter with Keanu, I decided to take my leave. I had made enough of a splash at the party and it was probably best to go before it got later. On the way back to my apartment, I felt so strange. Most people don't know when the biggest nights of their lives are, but I knew that night was mine. I would no longer be confined to side jobs and extra castings, I might be getting something more from that day on. I stepped out of my escort car carefully, getting inside safely and quietly. I kicked off my shoes immediately and sat down at my vanity, staring at myself in the mirror. For once, I was impressed with myself. I did something good for myself. Paved a new path to go on to get to my big goal in life. I smiled softly as I wiped the makeup off my face with a wet cloth, tossing it in the trash when done. I carefully slid the dress off my body, hanging it back up in the back of my closet for another day. I put back on my humble clothes, an oversized shirt and pajama shorts.
That night, after I crawled in bed, I only dreamt of my future in the industry. Starring in a large movie along side Keanu Reeves, my dreams mapped out where I wanted to be in life, and what I was going to end up doing in the future.

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