The market

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As I lay in the field away from the little farm house me and my older brother own, I could hear the roar of the military planes flying over head and some officers from both countries fighting. I sit up my almost perfectly straight auburn hair with a few leaves in it and the one curl I had sticking up, a short distance away I here's German yelling and stood ready to be yelled at but the blond I knew didn't come to take me. As I looked I saw my own fighters messing with a German officer so I ran over and looked at the two 'oh no this isn't good' I think as I see a high rank officer and my soldier get close I call to both of them and step between them calling off the Italian soldiers. "Sorry about him, he's a bit stubborn" I say sweetly as the officer walked off. I let out a sigh of relief and head to the meeting hall, my boss and Germany's boss where talking with Japan's boss today, why we where in Italy I didn't know but I was home it was amazing. I slip in and make my way to my seat and looked over the people there. I had never seen German after I was released after the first war only 21 years ago, I had forgotten what he looked liked sadly. I hum and looked at my boss as I heard my name getting called "ve~? Si!" I had been asked to go out to the market and get a few things so I did so only to be stopped by a German. He was yelling and I didn't understand him so I stood there like and idiot waving a white handkerchief because I didn't have my flag. As I was about to start crying and calling for help an aviator came and dismissed the officer who went back to his post. "Vere are you off to?" He asked me his accent think making my heart jump. I looked up keeping my eyes slightly closed because of the afternoon sun. His talk muscular build seemed like it could hold a bride and keep her safe as his neat blond hair was kept out of his face and in a hat, his ice blue eyes pearling into me as looked at him. "ve~ my boss sent me to the market, we need some things for the meeting before germany and his head boss arrive" this made the office straighten and lead me to the market as if I didn't know where it was. 'Why are you being nice? Who are you?' I wonder as I looked at the others back and walked behind him

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