home sweet home

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My life was a mess, and I can't help but make it worst when I met them. I remember that day like it was today, but I would never change it if I could. I moved to a new town called sunset, I know it sounds so cliche, but I really want no I need a new start. To clear the air I wasn't running away, I just had enough of it all. Let's start where it all begun. The night was so dark even darker then usually, I couldn't help but feel like some was siting in the back of my car. But of course that's crazy talk, no one could possibly be in the back of my car. Fear took control and I had to turn around to make sure no one was really their, and I was right no one was. The drive to my new house seem to take hours. My crap Briana made the drive even more uncomfortable. Darkness after darkness, a white sign of hope apeared that read rivertide street. I was filled with joy knowing this was my street and a little further I would reach my house, my home. I drove up to a rusty gate that was barely holding onto the newly painted white fence, siting in my nice warm car I was telling my self how fast I could open the gate and get back into my car before freezeing to death. I check the temperature out side, I guess it's not my luck day because it was negative three degrees out side. I slowly open my car door only to be greet with the ice cold wind grabing at my exposed arms and legs I ran towards the gate dragging it open with all my strength, it swing open taking me with it. When it was out of my way I made my way quickly back to my car which was now just as cold as out side.  I drove another five to ten minutes before I got to my white cottage with windows that cover every wall and a small oak wood porch.  I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me to my front door that was painted a over powering red.  I reached my cold hand into my back pocket to pull out a set of janging keys that for some dumb reason toke forever to unlock this stupid door. I brusted into the cold collage to find nathing but emptiness, my eyes scanned the room looking for some kind of light switch, and their it was across from me looking me dead in the eye. I slowly paced over to it like some thing was hiding in the dark about to jump out of the pitch black. I switch the light to hear a loud click and jump at the unfilluer noise, I couldn't help but laugh at my self for being so scared of the dark. I  scanned the newly light room, the soft carpet under my feet was a chocolate brown with a matching pale white walls. I guess this is the TV room and over on the right the carpet change to white titles which had black stainless stile benches placed nice on them, the kitchen was very cute with every aspect giving that nice morden look. I walked forward down the hall which lead out of the TV room to a bathroom and three small but big enough bedrooms. "This is what I call home" I screamed at the top of my lungs . The bedroom furthest from the front door was my bedroom which only had a small box in the center of the room.  I walk over rubbing my feet on the carpet as I walk towards the box, ripping open to see a few blanket and pillows. "this is what I call staring from scatch" all the things in this tiny brown coloured box is the stuff I own, I know it's sad that all my stuff is just my phone ,blankets and pillows. But eventually I will have more stuff  but at this moment I only have 500 dollars in cash after buying this cottage.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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