Temptation Order

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Crowley had been given a new order. Apparently hell wasn't satisfied with his recent temptations. Because apparently gluing pennies to the sidewalk wasn't good enough anymore. And so he was called down to the damp, crowded basement that was hell to receive the new order.

Luckily, the order was given quick and he was sent on his way. It was a simple one this time, which was quite surprising but oh well. He had done it quite a few times. Tempt a priest into sin. Easy enough, he had done that plenty times before... though, none were ever done on purpose... but Beelzebub didn't need to know that.

And so he set out in his Bentley for a quiet village that was quite near where he was already staying. Lucky him, that the priest he needed to tempt was so close. Now he didn't have to give up his apartment for a cottage or something else he would find unsatisfactory.

And so he drove in the dark of night, speeding far too fast than what he should have been going on this backside country road. Though, the roads were empty from other travelers, so it wasn't like he could harm anyone but himself if something were to happen.

Now, many other demons would question him as to why he would travel and arrive at night. Why not the morning, when he had the chance to meet the priest and begin the temptations? And Crowley would laugh at the question and roll his eyes.

Simple, he would say, at night you can sneak about and peak into people's dwellings to see what they get up to in the dark. Which, funnily enough, is usually when they are more likely to give into their temptations and sins. So why not do a little sneaking and see what this priest gets up to at night?

And so he drove into the quiet village late into he night, the only light being those from his headlights as he drove towards the church at the far side of the village. His car driving over the dirt road the only sound in the small village.

And so he parked, a bit from the church so his car wouldn't be seen and thought of as suspicious, before getting out and staring up at the church. It was... quite large for such a small village. But, small villages were often the most religious, he supposes.

Crowley walked forward a bit, stopping as he neared the church doors. He could feel the holiness wafting off this place, the stench of holy water and nutmeg stronger the more he stood there. Whoever this priest was... he was... well, almost angelic in a way. Very holy, enough to make even him want to turn around and leave.

He shook his head and stepped over, going past the doors and to a window near the farther back of the church. He walked quickly, the holy ground burning slightly even though he wasn't in the church. And so he stood there outside the window, peeking in.

At first he couldn't see anything, but as he stared more, concentrated more, he could make out the form of a figure  sitting in a large chair. As he peered closer, he could faintly make out the figure was reading a book. On what, he couldn't tell, but obviously the person was engrossed deeply. Because when he took a step closer to the window, he stepped on a twig and the sound resounded like a gunshot through the silent night. But the figure didn't even flinch at the noise.

Crowley blinked, surprised that the figure was that engrossed in a book. A book. He was reading, in the middle of the night, in complete darkness. What kind of priest... he shook his head and sighed silently.

But of course, this silent sigh of his seems to catch the attention of the midnight reading priest. For he turns and looks towards the window, staring and trying to make out what could be there.

Of course, Crowley ducks quickly so as to hide himself from the priest. Wouldn't make a good first impression to be seen standing outside the window just watching him after all. He waits a few moments before peeking up, the priest missing from the seat and the book sitting on the armrest. And then he suddenly feels like he must leave.

And so he stands quickly and begins to power walk back to his car, looking around searching for whatever was making him feel uneasy. As he is looking behind himself, a sudden gust of wind blows past his face. And when he looks back, he is greeted with a smile. A smile that shouldn't look that threatening on such a... well, for lack of better words to say, angelic face. He recognizes that smile, but who...  The person now in front of him is none other than the priest that was just inside reading a few moments ago.

"Can I help you?" The priest asks in a gentle voice. A voice that by all means Crowley should recognize but just cant place his finger on.

"Uh- um- no, thank you.." he mumbles out, attempting to walk past the priest. But he is stopped, a hand coming to rest gently on his shoulder.

"Are you sure? Most people wouldn't come to a church this late unless they needed something." The priest says gently, like Crowley was a wild animal.

Crowley nods jerkily, the hand on his shoulder feeling much too nice for being so holy. "I am quite sure, good night.." he mumbles, pulling away from his hand and walking quickly away.

"Alright then, have a nice night, dear boy." The priest says, and he is sure if he turns around that priest would be smiling gently. And again, he is getting a sense of deja vu from the words the priest speaks. But he pushes it to the back of his mind as he renters his car, closing the door louder than he needed to.

Crowley sits there for a moment, staring out at where the priest was walking back to the church. And he swears, he sees the priest look back at him and smile before entering into the church and closing the doors behind him. He shakes his head, starting up the Bentley and quickly driving off. Tomorrow morning he would start watching this priest closely, he would find out what makes him tick and turn him to sin. Because for some reason, other than he was ordered to, he wanted to tempt this priest. He wanted to tempt him badly.

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