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The year is nineteen ten, im now 15 years of age my name is serenity and my family is of the grant wealth my father and mother have come into money only by sheer luck we have lived a life before as poor common people.

Looked down upon and considered filth of the world we lived, but I was fine you see I worked as an errand made for a woodworker and his son, their name was Reed and sons.  The youngest boy always had my interest if you will,  he seemed to love the work more than his father and I suppose that's why I fancy him so much, he's kind intelligent for a boy who never went passed grade school (taken out of school to work) he would walk by me though as if I was a fly on the wall, a pest to him paid to bring drinks to his father and fetch water for the boys and do everything under gods blue sky, but Lord I noticed him.

Anyhow I worked for them till I was 15 and a half. Then my father struck the gold I spoke off earlier. he was messing around in a field and there it was a huge gold mine the size of Delaware.

We were rich, finally we could be with the upper class the big shot the... The... But what of my job, what of my life and old friends... Certainly I could still see them.

But I was wrong we moved into the biggest house we could find and bought almost anything we could get our hands on, it's every poor girls dream BUT mine, I wanted to talk to Noah Reed, so I did I asked to go for walk while in his free time and he agreed, we talked and talked about all the silly things father and mine did and how our mothers gossiped as if they were the rich ones to be talking. It was a dream come true finally he saw me more than the earand girl.

I invited him for tea on a Sunday morning in the garden.. the Daisy's in bloom and dogs playing, the maids chasing after them it was all planned in my head. It would be a perfect day.

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