A Perfect Summer Night (Short Story)

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2k words :) Thanks and Enjoy <3

It was the day before the full moon. The day where all the pups of the pack where taken to the guest house and played games all night with the elders. The day when all the wolves found their mates.

I was really nervous about today. I woke up in my cat covered pajamas and it hit me, I am going to find my soulmate. Being 18, this full moon would affect me differently than it did when I was a pup. I heard stories of slowly being driven crazy as midnight approaches and the urge to be with your mate would overtake everything else.

My wolf was mainly white with black paws that I got from my dad. I can say that I am not that attractive, I have never even kissed anyone before now. I can't even imagine that by next morning I would be waking up with my love in my arms.

Ever so slowly, I got out of bed and into the shower, the thoughts of who could possibly be my match popped into my head. Would it be my best friend? Or the girl who rows for the human crew team? I had absolutely no clue. It's not like I knew everyone in the pack. Like I said before, I never even had a romantic connection before let alone the skills to socialize!

The smell of bananas hit me strongly as I walked downstairs. We all lived in the big house as a pack, it's not always amazing living with everyone and having superior hearing (even in human form)...

"Ready for today?" my friend smiles with stars in her eyes and sits on top of the counter. "I cannot wait to find my handsome man and live happily ever after. You do remember what to look out for right?"

"Ya of course! I could never forget. So.. tingles, smell like no other, and..."

"The magical connection of both your hearts weaving together." She finished sighing dreamily.

"Ya how could i forget." I said in a dead tone voice and laughed. She was so dramatic. "But, what if my mate doesn't like me? What if I don't find her..."

"Oh cheer up why are you always so pessimistic. I am sure she will love you. And if you don't find your mate you get to become an awesome elder and leader of this pack!" she hugged me and pulled me back by my shoulders "let's go find ourselves some mates"

We walked outside and I noticed how the air hit me different. It was as if a new smell was added to the sweet air and it was really addicting. I breathed in deep again.

"You smell it? Thats your mate somewhere in the bighouse or the garden, or the school, or the outskirts, or-" she stopped suddenly. "Is it just me or is that smell getting stronger"

She gasped as she looked around frantically. Her eyes stopped on this huge wolf bounding towards us. That is so weird why was he in wolf form. Right as I finished that thought. My friend started to shift and let her beautiful grey fur out. She ran towards him and they stopped right before they smashed faces. They were staring at each other for a while. 'Maybe it was the magical connection of their hearts' i thought to myself and laughed. But really, I was so happy for her. She has always looked forward to this day of meeting her mate and now she finally has him. I think my heart melted.

My friend looked back at me with her large wolf eyes as if she was telling me to go ahead without her, find my mate and have a happy ending while she stays here with her mate and gets to bond with him. Or she just gave me the please-leave-I-need-privacy look.

I turned with a goofy smile on my face and started to walk towards the garden. The smell in the air was not getting stronger.

To be honest, I expected that finding your mate would be an adventure. Not a 'follow their scent and bam' type of thing... but that meant I could just follow her scent and find her right now. But was I ready? Did I want too? Then again she could follow MY scent and find me right now. But she isn't.. Does that mean she doesn't want m-me? No. I can't think like that... I walked back to the big house and to my part of the house. It was the size of a normal single family house. Each family got one. I went to my room and put on some makeup, a decent outfit, and braided my hair.

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