A Ray of Hope

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I made a dream of seeing us together
which turned out to be my mistake,

The infatuation disappeared in thin air
like the petals of a wind-blown flower,

We started a journey hand into hand
in which you left me halfway all alone,

I continued the rest of it without you
in wait for thesethorns to turn into
those flowers we grew on our way,

Look at your image in the mirror and
take the urge to know your identity,

I am fed up of these false promises,
I am tired of putting up this fake act,

I have been shattered by these deceiving moments,
I am regretful for this bitter truth,

I loved so mad,still so mad
that I started counting stars in the sky,

That love was so bad,so bad
that those stars started vanishing into
deep untold mysteries reminding me
of your unjustified betrayal towards us,

I wish I could rotate the clock to where
that only flower started withering,

I wish I could rotate the clock to where
your breeze of ecstasy started drifting away from me and beyond my reach,

I wish I could rotate the clock to where
we and everything were in utopia,

I wish I could think before those dews
of your garden went into oblivion,

I decided to change myself,just for you,
I decided to forget everything, only for
the sake of your precious smile,
I decided to put my world at stake
only for a better change in us,

Today,I don't understand the mess
I have become under your control,
now reveal your true identity to me,

Still,still today my heart aches badly
like pieces of burnt coal, left to wet
in the monsoon rain as you wished
whose unbearable pain will be healed
only upon the re-union of our souls,

Still,still today,my heart resides in
our unforgettable moments
which I shall always cherish,

I shall always loveyou from the depth
of the limitless seas and the vastness of
the skies,

My heart will always beat for you, with
each breath taken with your name,

I shall wait for you,with my hands full
with those dried flowers in yourgarden,

Until,our love is revived and is allowed to bloom,
Until,the pieces of our broken hearts are patched again,
Until,we find ourselves back together,

I shall be there in front of your window,
Until,you allow yourself to march
willingly towards me without any grudge,
Until, my life ends in wait,
Until then,whenever..........

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