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People say that Boromir was an ass. People say they were glad he died. People say he was whiney. He was none of those.

His mother died when he was 10. His father lost it, he went mad, Faramir, the little brother he loves, is ridiculed and belittled by their father and Boromir is shoved up on a pedestal. Boromir has had to watch countless friends die defending a kingless nation. Sauron's forces grow stronger by day, whilst Gondor's weaken. Boromir knows his people only have so long before they die, he knows that they are doomed, yet they continue to fight. Imagine the guilt and regret Boromir had to deal with on a daily basis. The hopelessness, that he had to ignore in order to serve his deranged father and his country.

Then, Boromir comes into the presence of the ring. In his eyes he finally has a chance to fulfil his father's expectations. He's been fighting a losing battle against Mordor for so many years that he can't see any other goal other than the defence of his home. Then he is told the ring must be destroyed, an errand Boromir thinks to be hopeless. He knows there is no way nine people can walk into mount doom and simply toss the ring in. He thinks they are going to their doom.

When Boromir tries to take the ring it is not because he is greedy or corrupted, it's because he wants to save his people. He wants to know that all those years he spent fighting were spent for a reason. And Frodo refuses to listen to him and runs away, that's when Boromir realised the man he hates is his father, Denethor.

But the amazing thing is, Boromir doesn't give up, even though he believes he has failed the entire fellowship he keeps fighting, he defends Merry and Pippin at the cost of his own life. He admits to Aragorn what he has done and that in trying to save his people he has brought his demise. And Aragorn promises he will not let happen. For the first time Boromir has hope, he has hope that his people will survive and his country will be restored to its former glory, and he does knowing this.

Now for a headcannon, I think. I'm not sure.

Boromir being more than above. Boromir asking Gimli about Erebor and being genuinely interested about the ensuing two hour conversation. Boromir answering Legolas's questions about mortal life, telling him about the human process of ageing, and assuring Legolas that it's not as bad as it seems. Boromir teaching Pippin and Merry how to fight, romping with them, laughing with them, and letting them lecture him about pipe weed and tea kettles and the importance of second breakfast.

In short Boromir was an amazing character.

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