"Madness, as you know, is a lot like gravity, all it takes is a little push."

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 I've always been obsessed with heroes. From buying their action figures, trading cards, t-shirts, wallpapers, etc. I even started taking notes on them in hopes by observing their skills, quirks, and behaviors I could become a great hero like them. I did it so much it became a habit that any time I see a hero when I'm walking somewhere or watching the news I have to write something down. I was made fun of because of it. It hurt, but I didn't care because I knew that as long as I kept believing and writing notes I could become a hero like All Might. I... I was naive. All Might was always my favorite hero. He was the #1 pro hero in the world. I wanted to be just like him saving people with a smile on my face. I was a hopeless dreamer. When I was younger and my mother took me to the doctor to find out when I'll get my quirk I was so excited. He then proceeded to tell me I was quirkless. I couldn't tell at the time since it was only a small chip but something inside broke. I was devastated I couldn't even enjoy my favorite All Might video. My mother didn't tell me the words I needed to hear, but I still didn't give All Might wouldn't have. Again I was a naive, hopeless dreamer. As time moved on, everyone found out I was quirkless. My former best friend, Katsuki, ended up bullying me. It was just some small teasing at the first so I continued to follow him and his friends around, because I wasn't friends with anyone else. I was stupid. I admired Kacchan more than anyone else. He was strong, brave, and he had a powerful quirk. He was everything I wanted to be. I was wrong, he was nothing more than a bully. When Katsuki stopped with the small teasing and started bullying me I felt alone. Even then I didn't give up on my dreams it just gave me more time to observe heroes. Not just the pro heroes everyone in my class and many other people. I was always on the outside looking in, so I might as well have it benefit me...right. I was lonely. The only person I felt I could rely on was my mother. My father worked overseas he sends postcards every now and then. He says he wants to visit but work is keeping him busy. I believed him I mean I had no reason not to. I was gullible. I never actually met him, but I felt like knew All Might, like he was someone I could rely on. I was wrong. I was wrong. I didn't know All Might. I always wanted to meet him. But I learned. But I learned. You should never meet your HEROES. As time went on I hid it well but I was breaking. I thought the only one who could possibly fix me was All Might. (.......) The day I finally did I was so happy he gave me his autograph and told me even without a quirk I could be a hero. I wish I could say that. He broke me. He smashed me into oblivion. I felt I had nothing to live for. THAT BASTARD! HE WASN'T EVEN IN HIS REAL FORM! HIS TRUE FORM LOOKS LIKE SOME SICKLY PATIENT ON LIFE SUPPORT! I hate him. I was so pissed I ripped every All Might poster off my walls. I turned my All Might comforter over so you could only see white. I threw every last All Might action figure in the trash can. The only thing I could think of before bed was I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I changed I was quieter than I usually am, I hardly ate, and every time I saw the news with heroes on I changed the channel. I knew my mother noticed the change, but I'm glad she decided not to speak on it. It wasn't until a few weeks later that I felt truly happy. I'm happy. I had started taking the long way home every time I went anywhere. One day as I was walking home I ran into a guy in a mask. I assumed he was a villain but  I was so broken I wasn't even really scared. This encounter would end up being the greatest day in my life.

" Young man is this yours." the masked man says holding up a notebook titled "Quirk Analysis Issue #11". 'My notebook I must have dropped it one day.' thought Izuku. "Yeah that's mine." Izuku responded nervously. "Very impressive I've never seen as detailed notes about quirks as you have written." the masked man said in a impressed tone. "Umm.. thank you, can I have that back now?" Izuku asked slightly nervously. "Hmm.... actually I have a proposition for, but first tell me your name." the masked man responded. " I-I'm Izuku Midoriya." Izuku stated. "Who are you?" asked Izuku. " I go by All For One."

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