Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Summary)

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Note: This is not my work. This is a summary of a game of which my fan-fic Fire Emblem: Dissidence of Tellius is based off of. I, in no way, claim any of these characters, plot, setting, be mine. The summary is to give readers a background story. It's also nowhere near perfect. Just letting people know.

In the year 645 on the continent of Tellius, the Kingdom of Daein attacked their neighboring country, the Kingdom of Crimea. Catching the whole continent by surprise, Daein took Crimea easily, with the Mad-King of Daein killing most of the royal family. A small group of mercenaries would travel the continent, led at first by Greil, a man of greatswordsmanship who had two children. Greil's son, Ike, would help find a girl who was being chased by the Daeins for whatever reason. A day after taking this woman in, Greil and the rest of the mercenaries were attacked by Daein, claiming that they were shelteringElincia,princess of Crimea. Escaping from the Daeins, Greil led his group to the outskirts of Crimea's other neighboring country, Gallia. Greil was soon after killed by a Daein general known only as the Black Knight. Greil's son, Ike, took command of the Greil Mercenaries the night after he saw the knight kill his father. Ike's group traveled the continent due to the fact that they still had a "job" to do, finding friends in Gallia, the beast kingdom whose inhabitants were all humanoids knownas laguz thathad the ability to morph into cats, tigers, and lions. Despite his Father's wishes, Ike continued on.

Along the way, he freed Crimean soldiers with the help of a mysterious thief named Volke who seemed to know Ike's father. Moving on to a nearby village, Ike managed to convince a sailor named Nasir to help them go to the Empire of Begnion, the biggest and most powerful country on Tellius. Passing through the bird laguz kingdoms of Pheonicis and and Kilvas and getting much needed assistance from the Dragon Kingdom of Goldoa, Ike's group came upon a Begnion ship carrying the Apostle, an individual who ruled over Begnion, being attacked by what seemed to be pirates. Once the pirates were defeated, Ike's group and the Apostle's convoy of pegasus riders docked in Begnion. Ike's group was given a few jobs, one that would lead him to start an investigation regarding laguz slavery in Begnion. The Duke of Tanas was an individual that was of great interest in this situation. After running him out of his villa for being in possession of a laguz (who would be revealed to be Prince Reyson of the fallen nation of Serenes)and chasing him throughout the now destroyed Serenes Forest, Ike eventually defeated Tanas.

While in the forest, Ike discovered another survivor of Serenes (Princess Leanne) and with this, he was able to gain the trust of both Reyson and his guardian Tibarn (the king of Pheonicis). He was also able to help mend relationships between these them and the Begnions and get Begnion's help to attack and destroy Daein. Being promoted to general of a group of Begnion soldiers, Ike now had more power to help Elincia reclaim her kingdom.With Kilvas now assisting Daein as a mercenary-nation, Naesala became a great problem. Reyson and his two long-time friends Ulki and Janaff (both from Pheonicis), talked Naesala (who had actually been very close friends with Reyson before selling him to Duke Tanas) into leaving and never taking to the battlefield against his fellow laguz again. After taking a fort holding a vast amount of gold, Ike paid Volke the huge sum of money he had charged him initially in exchange for information Volke had about his father. Ike then learned that Ashnard's goal was to awaken the Fire Emblem, a medallion that held a goddess of chaos within. He also learned that his father was originally a Rider, one of Daein's elite, and that he killed Ike's mother when he touched the medallion and went insane for a breif period of time. Greilgavethe medallionIke's sister, Mist, because she seemed immune to its energies.Fighting his way into Daein, Ike eventually arrived at Nevassa, Daein's capital, only to find that Ashnard had abandoned it, leaving behind only a renegade dragon called Ena. Upon defeating her, Nasir, who had still been with his group, blocked his way, giving Ena the chance to escape.

Taking Nasir in, Ike discovers that he is a traitor and that he has not only been giving information to Daein, but he has also stolen the Fire Emblem and sent it Daein. Leaving Nevassa (and in change, Daein) in General Zelgius's care, Ike took a small group to a temple where he hoped to find answers. Ike then led his group across the bridge connecting Crimea and Daein, facing his first Rider, a woman by the name of Petrine. He had seen her once before, on the day his father died. In the middle of the fight, Crimean survivors arrived from behind the Daeins and assisted in bringingPetrine down. Elincia quickly recognized the leader of the Crimean group as Lucia, a long-time friend of hers. Upon learning that Lucia's brother Geoffrey and Count Bastian survived along with a handful of Crimeans, Ike assisted Lucia and Bastian in holding off the Daeins. While fighting, Ike spotted his father's murderer. Enraged, Ike attacked the Black Knight, only to find that the knight's armor was blessed by the goddess, Ashera, and only weapons that were blessed like his armor and his sword, Alondite, could so much as scratch him. Joining up with Geoffrey, Ike attacked a nearby fort, guarded by a large group of Daeins under the command of Bertram, the newest Rider. Upon Bertram's defeat, Ike and friends moved on. Tibarn meets up with the group after the cross a huge mountain blocking their path.Meanwhile, the Black Knight has managed to infiltrate Pheonicis, kidnapping Leanne and taking her into Crimea by using a magic substance called warp powder. After another attack on a Daein contolled base, Tibarn tells Ike that a knight encased in black armor is residing inside an important fort. Realizing the knight is the Black Knight, Ike charges in. Ike enters the room the Black Knight is in just as he executes Ena.Hethen dueledagainst the Black Knight,using Alondite's twin sword, Ragnell, to help penetrate his armor's blessing.

Almost losing his life in the battle, Ike finally bested the Black Knight, and left with Nasir and Ena, who survived her injuries. With yet another Rider defeated, Ike and his group were now much closer to retaking Crimea.With Nasir's and Ena's help, Ike's group (now joined by Tibarn) attacked a nearby tower that is said to be holding Reyson's sister Leanne. While Ike's group attacked, King Naesala managed to infiltrate the tower and rescue Leanne, whom he had not seen since the genocide in Serenes and had presumed dead despite Reyson's story. Once inside the tower, Ike finds that it was being used to torture laguz and help create Feral Ones, laguz that have been made to stay in the animal form but lose all ability to control themselves. With this being the last straw, Ike prepares to retake Melior, the capital of Crimea, and kill the Mad-King. Ashnard shows himself to Ike while on top of a giant black wyvern.He too has blessed armor and an enormous sword similiar to bothAlondite andRagnell.With Elincia, the bird and beast tribes, Begnion, Crimea, and his mercenaries by his side, Ike uses Ragnell to break through Ashnard's blessed armor. After a vicious battle, Ike comes out victorious.

Or so it seems. With his last breaths, Ashnard takes out the Fire Emblem and places his hand on it. Touching the Fire Emblem gives him and his mount god-like power, revitilizing them. Calling in help from the outside, Tibarn, Naesala, and Giffca, the Gallian king's "shadow" come and assist Ike in taking the newly revived Ashnard down. Despite his newly gained power, Ashnard is overwhelmed by the power of the laguz kings and Ike. He finally falls and the battle ends with Daein surrendering to Crimea, effectively winning Elincia her kingdom back.

A day later, Elincia must appear before her people. Ike has been made a permanent lord in Crimea and happens to be inside of Elincia's castle on that day. After a brief talk, he and Elincia both walk outside to greet the people who desperately want to see their new queen and savior. Begnion meanwhile takes control of the war-torn Daein. The laguz kingdoms return to their everyday lives but now have a much stronger bond with the beorc nations, save for Daein. Many of the people that joined Ike during his journey also return to their respective nations save for the original mercenaries.

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