i don't know

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Chapter 1 the war Once upon a time there was a land called tereis it was a enchanting paradise full of hollows waterfalls and cascades but each animals kingdom had a quarter of the land. But one part wanted the kingdom to themselves .Chapter 2.the plan so in order to do this they had a meeting during the day when the clan of owls was away someone said we should talk our way in but the fox clan said no we are now at stake of losing our kingdom so………what should we do I don’t know we could maybe dig our way and build a secret society and when the time is right take them on hard core said ferrets clan  I do not think it’s such a good idea but smart so please continue said badger okay said the  ferret clan we will then bomb there city. Okay now it is officly getting gross said the squirrels with kids. Chapter 3 territory #3 days later okay you ready to drop it I’m guessing that is their idea of fun pulling weird faces at us I guess that their security is really bad here lol okay you ready to do it you know chapter 4 the dark side of life in the woods 2 animals were playing one called Alice and tom the raccoon one day Alice and tom were playing hide and seek  in the woods and Alice said I think the owls are really cool I am ditching you to enjoy your lame life fox wait you don’t know what you’re in for but by the time raccoon finished his sentence she had gone in the blink of a eye or this case the shut of a eye as fox walked back to her hole and sat in her room crying about what had happened chapter 5 the beatrale    her mum had offered to let some fresh air in but she said no and kept on crying in the full  moonlight darkness then she heard something coming from the woods she saw a vision of her and what would happen if she did join the owl kingdom but there was nothing left for her being in the fox clan she packed up her stuff her book and some pictures of her and her family and a music box that had some  blue birds and painted oak trees  on the side and a song her mother used to sing  huh I can’t remember this must be a piece of trash mum fond in the attic  it was her father’s old war helmet it had a sign on it with a logo of silver wings the sun was rising beneath the dawn she got dressed in a brown coat and a brown fedora the hat had a red jay feather and black boots and closed the door sighlently she took her bag and ran off in to the forest border chapter 6 a greed for more meanwhile in the owl kingdom the imperial owls were having a meeting about their part of the land they asked their elder owl were they should strike next the answer was nutoak village they felt in their dark hearts after everything was destroyed they should move to Elvena forest which  happened to be the forest Alice’s mum lived in the giant oak tree so on their way they would kill her too her name was Leila a.k.a Alice’s mum chapter 7 the dark side no one knew that Alice went to the dark side yet she came to a hill and now she was on the dark side she could do whatever she wanted she saw a orchid ahead she was tired she was walking for days she sat under the apple tree she picked a few apples and stuffed them in her bag and rested in the cool spring breeze she had been resting for 2 hours and 15 minutes the orchid farmer came up to her and said YOU GET YOU DANG FOX BACK OFF MY APPLES YOU STUPID CUB she was just about ready to give him a knuckle sandwich up his dirty but and in turn him inside out and scratch his eyes out she ran off not realizing how horrible people were she had never been so far out the forest before it started to heavily rain she seeked shelter in a windmill it had a fire and bed with a cover made from sheep’s wool and a pillow made from feathers in the morning she made bread and jam and had a drink of milk made from a mountain goat she got dressed in a t-shirt it was gray and had a jacket with four buttons made from a acorn and was white and had a hood and she picked up her bag she looked at a map she still had a far way to go in order to get to the border but she saw a village up ahead she saw a badger riding a horse she said HAY DO YOU KNOW WERE YOU CAN GET HORSES! He stared at me in shock and rode off he said look I’m not spodsed to do this come on my horse okay she said look Alice I’m not supposed to help you look we need to talk in privet their something I want to tell you but I have to say it in privet it is about your mother what is it look you will need a horse of your own for you to ride I will need you to get you a descize for you need to look rich chapter 8 the resistance of mount nelainia. as they entered the town the saw heaps of peacocks dressed in fine jewelry like rubies,diamonds,emrelds,sapphire and pearl and dresses made from the finest velvet in all the kingdom and lacing made from silk and high heels made from metal and poofed up hair-dos on men and lady birds Alice said to badger secretly wow the ruler must be filthy stinken rich In fact we are going to see the ruler of this town lord billionaire what is he a monkey yes he is said badger they came to a castle made of jewels and gold the guards said halt you have to were these suits made of rubber so you don’t get lord billionaire’s castle dirty it takes  us 23 hours to clean every little scratch wow it sure is shiny I know said badger they came to the throne room was made with sapphire, gold, lapis lazuli and opal there was  chandeliers with candelabras covered in pearls badger was right he was a monkey dressed with a royal cape and a jeweled crown and rings with jewels and a throne encrusted with diamonds and rubies and 4 or 5 engagement rings on his right hand and a fancy curled up hair-do turns out he was so rich he was wearing a grey fancy wig he had fair lady peacock’s in green and lavender dresses and blue and gold. He said to his girlfriends’ later ladies I will give you some sugar okay later ladies then they started saying he” will kiss me first because I’m the prettiest of all you ladies I’m wearing his favorite thing in the whole universe gold and a cape made of tiger skin! U kidding me I love his favorite thing tell us what is it duh gold oh right  No “way are you getting my man your man said another what happens if he chooses me well that will never happen will it because I’m royal yeah weknow and royals are always chosenyeah by some dude who has been known in a wine drinking contest and got drunk in the process lol _ coolare you talking about me noooo yeah we are okay we finished talking and I am letting these travelers use your horses WHAT! But how are we going to go home tonight well you can stay with me EEEEEEEEEEEEEE so sweet as they went riding off into the sunset the peacocks said who you going to kiss first um layla oh yeah girl I knew he was my man badger and Alice and badger were at nelainia mountain hello anyanimal home I don’t think their wanting to come out randy,stella,ligh, tom,Jessica,annie,sara,ella,justin,harry,rose and Brittney. Guess nobody’s home and suddenly a rock began to open tom Alice’s old friend came out and said whose fatty over their well we are here to talk with the person who runs here oh you mean Oliver. Otter could you really hurry up I really need to pee um sure could you let us in sorry no outsiders tom you have become really rude since when have you served here in the resistance for the last four days so when you took off I went after you my mother told me to find a job to earn money. Chapter 9 tom raccoons story what happened okay here is my story my side of this tale after you ran off god knows were in the morning I got up and had oak meal a raccoon dish mixed with honey and acorns although when you run out of honey you have to go poke a honey bees nest which dose lead to nasty results having to get to go to doctor.weasle sadly yay me not then when I got home I decided to go play hide and seek or tiggy with you cause your family went on a fun family picnic and I assumed it was done already so I said to mum I am going to go fishing and I am inviting a friend brown bear okay have fun be back by the setting sun so headed off to the red fox family oak tree I knocked on their apricot painted door and said sorry miss. Red to bother you but is Alice.fox home um Alice! Somebody is here to see you Alice! Come on I don’t have all day look if you  don’t come here right now I will pull you out by your tail and rip it off COME DOWN NOW LOOK I ‘AM COMING IN THE KITCHEN IF YOUR TURNING YOURSELF INTO A ARTIC FOX BY HIDING IN THE FRIDGE  I WILL BE MORE THAN MAD AT YOU IN FACT YOUL BE DEAD sorry she is not home okay but you’re welcome to check here tomorrow maybe she is camping in pine tree avenue okay so check there tomorrow okay and I said okay I went back home mother was making country apple pie freshly picked by famous farmer sandy bill well no cause I ate one of his apples and he chased me with a gun so I ran off wow I never knew that he looks so kind on the apple cider advert then at 5.o’clock in the morning I went out of bed packed my stuff and set off to go find you I got a horse in the first town I went to and I took the lavender.Road which is a lot shorter and goes to lorela river which passes through nort.daneish which is full of barbarians I stayed the night there at catal.horns.hotel were I stayed in a little wooden room with everything I needed I bed a candle I went to bed straight away I needed money to get to sapheria city the peacocks hometown full of rich jewels so I tried stealing a horse from mantonys ‘saddle store while he was asleep he almost woke up and I in the morning went off with the horse in a hurry I figured that going the rich town would not help so I went to magnolia mountain which was a lot quicker and I then met thease bandits a they knocked me out with a log and I woke up somewhere that I had never been before and that is pretty much my story chapter.10 oliver.otter mr.otter somebodys here to see you jolly good said Oliver I have been in that underground pool forever so much my tail feels wired now what can I help you with get out the way tom I need to talk to badger and a random fox yes this is Alice.pine.red.fox oh my goodness gracious me  is this the fox who ran away from home yes the fox who was chased with a gun by sandy bill the old gout farmer yes oh my who left poor tom on his own yes I’m SORRY YOU CAN’T COME IN tom take Alice to the dungeon and leave her there no what I said no look Oliver you know what I think of you I’m awesome know that you’re a bossy & rude otter oh then join Alice to starve for a thousand years or until your dead  you know what I quit the resistance I don’t badger said I need to talk to Alice in privet okay earlier the owl kingdom moved to your mothers town and blew it up with cannons made from metal so your mother is dead and here was the funeral invitation her last words were Alice win the war for me I always may not be around to protect you but stay strong and do it for the glory of me and our land. She wept as soon as the note was done she knew she had to win the war for her mother she knew exactly where she would of wanted her funeral to take place in the cold stone waterfalls in a little cave at nighttime when lilies were being lit with candles to honor the people that died it was a fox tradion and fireflies would be flying all around the lake when the moon was shining bright in the night sky and swans would be spreading their white wings into the spring night the invitations were flown by pidgion she thought the place was imaginary and only from her grandmothers book of fairytales and somewhere her mother wished for to be real chapter.11 the funeral.4 days later she got a message saying come tonight at nine o’clock and 7.hours later she came and the cold stone falls was real they saw a coffin with lilies & roses & peonies gathered all other the coffin and put a small white box with a rose in the center of the rectangle shaped lid it had a necklace it was chain and had a charm of a gray stone heart saying I will never forget you and had a picture of Alice with her family they lit the candle and sent the coffin of to flout in to the night it went into a portal that had twilight colored sparkles flouting all around the portal Alice put on her black hood and went she didn’t care about the party she only cared about seeing her mother but the others didn’t care they went off and had a party saying she is dead yay she is dead yay and danced in the light of a disco ball in a small cottage not far from the falls she sat on a grass patch crying her eyes out someone asked her if she was okay and she said no the squirrel asked how come she said its privet and rode off she said leave me alone chapter .12.the owl kingdoms arena. she did not know where she was going until her horse came to a sudden halt she asked her horse if she was okay the horse reared up in  a way when a horse is in danger she knew something was wrong some bird people knocked her out with a log and she woke up in the owl kingdom battle arena  with 7 lion gladiators  and 7 polar bear gladiatorsand the owl kingdom ruler came out and said NOW MY PEOPLE WE HAVE ONCE AGAIN RECLAIMED OUR RIGHTFUL PLACE IN THE LAND WE HAVE TAKEN THE FOX KINDOM THE RACOON KINGDOM THE BIG CAT KINGDOM AND THE POLER KINGDOM ALL THE PEOPLE YELLED LONG LIVE THE KING, LONG LIVE THE KING, LONG LIVE THE KING ,LONG LIVE THE KING. NOW IN MY HONNER I WILL CELEBRATE OUR GLORY WITH YOUR FAVIOURITE THING A GLADIOUTOR BATTLE THE PEOPLE SCREAMED AND CHEARED ALL THEY LIKED WAS ANIMALS GETTING HURT A BARN OWL BLEW A LOUD TRUMPET AND SAID NOW LET THE BATTLE BEGIN WAIT SAID THE OWL LORD TODAY JOINING US IS SPARTEN LION AND SIR BEAR NOW LET THE BATTLE BEGIN as the 2 animals went head to head neck & neck bashing each other up and by the time it had nearly finished the 2 gladiators had gashes and scars of blood the polar bear fell on his knees and died THE LORD OWL SAID IT SEEMS THOUGH THE POLAR BEAR WAS A WEAKLING AND I GUESS THAT SPARTEN LION WINS YEAH. ohh looks like we get  a second round  alice.fox against Spartan lion now chose your weapons Spartan lion chose a sword & shield and Alice chose a bow & arrow now let the games begin it started off with lions first move trying to cut her wooden bow in ½  but Alice dodged his attack and shot a arrow in his leg the crowd cheered as they went head to head there was a lot arrows being fired as Spartan lion was trying to kill her as she shot one more arrow in his eye he was blind and couldn’t  see her since she was jumping and running everywhere  he finely almost reached her and banged into a sandstone pillar and died SO ALICE IS OUR WINNER YOUR GRAND PRIZE IS TOO FIGHT WITH US IN THE WAR actually I don’t want to fight in this war so that I am armed in any emergency  I’ll take that bow & arrow if I please  yes you may but please fight with us in the war you can get everything you’ve ever wanted no! I won’t fight with you I’ve seen what you do you murder innocent animals you steal peoples happy lives and make them your servants while you lie down on a throne getting people to bring you food like a diva Tasmanian devil laying down flopped on a fancy seat like Cleo patra on her eygeytian  seat eating whatever owls eat sitting there all day and sleeping in leaf covered beds while we have to sleep in mud or straw   how comfortable that must be no it’s not comfortable while you guys sleep with your heads in the clouds while we get killed  by hunters every night or some even survive and fight back see some survive you want to know why your kingdoms are so easy to conquer because your kingdoms are weak and yeah because we use bandits we pay them to act nice so your friend tom brought the job so he could save his parents from dying they get $.50.20.c  so the best get $200,000.80.c  that’s unfair they should get the same amount and she was so mad that she got a sword and went and while the king was asleep she went to the dungeon and opened the prison cell door to find tom and his raccoon  family sitting there with the heavy  iron ball and chain stuck to his foot  he said Alice how did you get here no time to tell we gotta move nightime isn’t far away we will have to move fast who knows when the guard will wake up soon as they were just about to walk out the gate the moon came up and they knew what was gonna happen and it did the owls spotted them chapter.13.slavery  they brought them to the king and said we found thease non-owl  folk trying to get out take them to the sewing room take the raccoon to the kitchen oh and place the ball and chain on them they can stay in the dungeon as for the fox take her to the king I have a special thing inmind for her she can sit by the king all day in the beautiful sunlight and see the distance of the evergreen forests and the bright blue ocean and desert  towns  you can see a lot of things from the sky high throne room it’s that stone tower with a white stone balcony covered in rose thorns and vines said the servant tell me what is your  business  with the king said the captain guard talking a prisoner fine said the guard you may pass meanwhile in the kitchen tom had just reached the door knob and he was disgusted all ready and he hadn’t even set foot in the kitchen  it stank like  old shoes & dying people he saw his uniform was a white baggy  buttoned shirt and brown clogs he was incharge of washing the kings old dishes there were a bunch of elderly animals in the same uniform going slowly like a snail taking hours to move just to a stove the waitress was young and beautiful with brown hair & and a short white skirt and blue t-shirt with brown eyes holding a tray with a golden goblet encrusted with diamonds and crystal clear water and a chocolate cake with a cherry and nuts the girl raccoon said wanna see each other in the secret chambers under the castle so we can get to know each other because I have never seen another raccoon before  in my entire life so see you tonight meanwhile Alice  was getting dressed up like a eygeptian  goddess her dress was silver with a crown made with gold and sapphires and a cape made with silver see-through material and  golden high heels  she said to the maid who tom liked said it looks kind of fat on you but if that’s how the king likes it then its fine with me soooooooooooooo that’s okay with me but just a tip act like a stuck up fancy lady  trust  me he likes that and she was gone in a flash she was happy to see her mother & father chapter.14 the final battle. as the day came for heaps of foxes and raccoons were dressed in stone armor and the battle began  with heaps of ripping off heads and blood on the desert sand drying up like the water in the nile river in eygept finaly the battle was done and victory was the only feeling.but during the prosses alice had got stabbed by a dagger she had to go to hospital she had a bandage rapped around her leg but she would not wake up a thew monthes later she had her funerel  but she got to join her mother back in heven.the end

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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