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(This is in And Straight On Till Morning)

(Comment if I should make a part 2 or a story about one of these.)

Me, Felix and the boys rowed the boat to the ship in silence. My arms were around Felix's waist and he was glaring at boys who's stares bothered him. We were going to Hook's ship, I've never met him. Ha! LIE. Only Felix knows this but Hook was actually my father's murderer. I should thank him. He was a horrid man. Blah! I'm going to start talking like Wendy Fucking Darling! Thanks a lot Peter! Just because-

"Hey? We're here," Felix nudged me.

I nodded and we climbed out of the boat and on the ship. I stood by Felix and he put his arm around my waist. I decided to rest my head on his shoulder as the boys jumped on behind us.

"Do you know who we are?" Felix asked.

"You're the Lost Ones. You work for him," Hook answered my boyfriend.

I grinned and Hook looked at me oddly, Felix saw it.

"We're looking for a boy who was seen adrift nearby," Felix said.

"A boy he has a particular interest in," I giggled, holding tighter to Felix to keep him calm.

"Then I'm afraid I have to send you away disappointed. As you can see, we're only men here," Hook told us, his arms out.

Wrong answer.

"Then you won't mind if we search your ship? " I asked the scrumy pirate.

"Be my guest."

Felix slammed a door open and I held on to his arm knowing he wanted me by him. He was so tense from this and these pirates should be scared messing with Peter and "his" Lost Ones.

"Told you, no one here but me crew."

We looked at the Captain after Felix walked around the room a bit.

"You're new to this land, which means we should warn you," Felix started.

"Do you know what he does to people who lie to him?" I ask the Captain.

"No, but I gather it hurts," he stupidly says.

"It does!" I giggled with fake excitement which only Felix, Peter and one other person can pick up.

"He rips your shadow right from your body," Felix says with a menacing look.

"Rrrrrrrrrip!" I grin as Hook looks disturbed.

Some boys come up and signal the boy wasn't there. I know he was!

I go back to Felix and grab his hand. I whispered in his ear that we WILL get him and then just for fun I dropped my voice lower and said, "Now then, let's go to camp and play." I kissed his cheek and he smiled at me.

Felix turned to the Captain and said to him, "If you find him, you know who he belongs to."

"Good Bye Captain," I chirped.

"Who are you girl?" He mumbled after grabbing my wrist. Which resulted in Felix growling at him.

I pulled away from Hook and wrapped my arms around Felix's waist.

"An old friend, thanks for taking care of Papa for me. Tell Bae I said hi," I said.

Realization hit him like a rock. (Seriously Snow? A rock? Why not anything else?)

"Emily? You're alive?" Hook asked through tears. What?

"Yeah, why do you care?" I asked him. The boys were waiting and Felix signaled for them to wait on deck for us.

"Because the only reason I killed your father was because he's not your father. I am."

Me and Felix gasped.

(How was that?)

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