He is the one

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It is a rather calm evening. Inoo is siting on the patio facing the beach, allowing the night Okinawa breeze to touch his rather tanned skin. It has been quite a while since he last had his day off from work. With summer approaching its end, Inoo is glad that he managed to enjoy the sea before the weather gets colder.

"Guess who?"

Inoo smiles to hear the voice of the person that is covering his eyes now.

"My Takaki," Inoo softly replies.

Takaki moves his hands from Inoo's eyes and hugs his boyfriend from behind. He later kisses the left side of Inoo's neck before taking his seat.

"Aren't you cold?" Takaki gently touches Inoo's left cheek with his right hand.

Inoo shook his head. He later scoots over to his left side, closing the distance between them. Takaki takes Inoo into his arms, allowing the skinny boy to rest his head on Takaki's chest as he hugs Inoo tightly.

"I love this," Inoo rubs his head onto Takaki's chest. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

Takaki kisses Inoo's head. "Me too."

Inoo closes his eyes, enjoying all the warmth he gets being in his boyfriend's embrace. His mind is replaying all the events that happened the past 12 years of his relationship with Takaki. Who would have thought that Takaki will finally open up to him after rejecting his confessions multiple time. Now no one can tease him for saying 'my Takaki' anymore.

Because Takaki belongs to him.

"Remember when we first kissed?"

Takaki dearly strokes Inoo's head. "What's with the sudden question?"

"You don't remember?" Inoo suddenly pouts and sit straight, facing the other boy.

"Of course I do."


Takaki put his right hand behind Inoo's head, slowly pulls Inoo towards him again and kisses Inoo on the lips. His left hand is now intertwined with Inoo's right, and they allow themselves to drown in the sweet kissing sensation.

Takaki stops the kiss. Their foreheads are now touching one another.

"February 15th, 2017- 1.21am," Takaki whispers.

Inoo rests his head on Takaki's right shoulder, rubbing it against the taller boy's neck every now and then. The meaningful night in Keito's house is now playing in his mind. Truthfully, Inoo is forever indebted to Keito for helping him and Takaki to be true to their feelings.

It was Christmas Eve 2016. Keito caught Inoo crying after he saw Takaki being intimate with an unknown lady. As embarrassed as he was, Inoo was somewhat grateful that Keito did not tell anyone about it. The quiet Keito was unexpectedly an active listener, patiently lending his ears for Inoo to share his frustration.

"Let's get yourself a girlfriend," Keito suggests.

"WHAT?" Inoo couldn't believe what he just heard. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Inoo-chan, I strongly sense that Takaki-kun has feelings for you too."

"What does that have to do with me having a girlfriend?"

"Takaki-kun is an egoist. He's an 'S'. He loves seeing you chasing him around like this. He knows you admire him so much that you won't look for another."

"Where are you going with this?"

"We'll show him that you are also capable of having someone else in your life. If he can fool around with girls, then you can too!" Keito reassures the older boy.

He is the one (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now