Video Call

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Video Call

Last saturday, me and my sister, Cheva, went to a mall. It is not a huge mall, just like a local market, but have cinema in there, and also air conditions. Because it was saturday, many people came to the mall. We were just walking around and drinking cofees after bought some cute clothes for college. We planned to go to eat somewhere around this mall. While walking around and looking something cute to buy more, we found a man who sat on the edge of chair. He was doing something like playig Tik Tok. Tik Tok is an application about music video and many people used Tik Tok to make cringe videos. He used his hand and make some weird gestures and made me laughed at him.

"Look at the man who sat on the chair. I swear, he is playing Tik Tok right now, haha. Cringe," said me to my sister who stood beside me.

She looked at him too and laughed together with me.

"Weird man. How can he played Tik Tok in a public place? Embarassing!"

Then, we laughed over the man. I recorded a video about the man. Suddenly, he saw us were recording him. He felt uncomfortable and then he went somewhere away from us. We still laughed at what we got.

After found the cringe man who played Tik Tok with his weird hand gestures, we went to a restaurant that we want to go. This restaurant is placed in 3rd floor. After we ordered the foods, we choose a table beside the outside window. While waiting the foods, we played our phone, but suddenly Cheva asked me to look at something she pointed by her finger.

"Look at that, Vei! Is that the man who got caught played Tik Tok in 1st floor?" I looked the same man with the man we met in the 1st floor. He sat 2 table from us, but he was back on to us. I saw him doing the same thing like before. I and Cheva looked at him closer to know what was he doing. Apparently, he didn't play Tik Tok at all. He was video calling with someone who has deaf disease, or maybe he is because they used hand gestures to communicate with each other without use their sounds. I and Cheva felt so so regreted and ashamed. We want to say sorry for him, but we were too afraid because we knew we were totally wrong. We hurt his feeling so much.

Since that moment, I and Cheva never assumed someone to do the bad things if we don't know the truth. Just keep it by ourself and think it is not our business. Still feeling so bad to him even we never meet again, but if I were him, I hate my self. Why did I assumed someone just because he or she was not doing like a normal people do.

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