"Girls Night Or Horror Night..?"

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Clementine's POV:

I was in what seemed like a long lazy heavy sleep, I wish it lasted longer but unfortunately it didn't because I had school or should I say jail.

"Great, I spoke to myself. School... hooray.."

I in sarcasm, I obviously went to the bathroom  and brushed my teeth, after that I washed my face and finally came out of the bathroom. I ran downstairs because I always wanted to be early for school, only to see my best friends Violet, Louis And Marlon, of course. Any who let's just say 3 minutes later I finished my breakfast/ bowl of cereal, I simply jumped up out of my seat, put it in the sink and washed it quickly.

After that I looked at the time and gasped. It was already 7:28, I felt horrible cause I promised my friends I'd be there more early, plus school actually starts at 8:10 that's when we have to line up and go inside. cause of me I woke up a little bit late heh.. I chuckled a bit after that sentence, I ran up the stairs and quickly picked an outfit to wear for school. After an actual full minute, I finally got one outfit and slipped it on, I went to the bathroom again and washed my face. I even tried to look fancy like always, it's just because I'm into fashion and shit, I only know this because My best friend Louis taught me all about it. Anyways I quickly put a fancy hat on/with my shoes on also and ran downstairs. My bag obviously had all my stuff in it plus it had everything I needed in there.. so I just grabbed my backpack and dashed threw the front door.

I saw my skateboard so of course I hopped onto it and ride to school. 
5 minutes later she arrived.
I finally arrived to school, thank god.. so I got off my skateboard, grabbed it and tried to figure where my friends were. Instead of just looking every where I was about to text Louis when I hear footsteps.. or what seemed like running from behind me? I stopped and turned around. It was Violet running at me to give me a hug! Or.. what seemed like a hug.

"CLEMENTINEE!!" Said Violet while hugging me."

"Hey vi.." I replied. After me a violet stopped hugging, I looked behind her and see Louis and Marlon, they looked out of breath..? I asked them "What's up with you 2? You look like you just came from track.."  Louis replied out of breath saying

"Violet... run.. f-fast.. to cO..mE.. f-for u.." Louis said breathing really fast" 

"Well it's not my fault I was actually in track.. I got first place!"  Violet said while giggling.

"Ok you two.. or should I now say three.. Let's head to class we're gonna be late"  Marlon said.

And that's that. We simply walked to class, Me Vi, Lou and Marlon, always do this. When we're walking we always gotta do it in pairs, it's boring yeah but fun cause we switch, right now I'm walking with violet beside me, and for Marlon and Louis there walking in front of us. Violet and I were silent cause there was nothing to talk about, after a few minutes.. She said,


"Yeah?"  I replied.

"Can we have a sleepover"  Violet said scratching the back of her head"

"Sure!"  I replied smiling.

After our conversation we arrived to class and went to our seats. Violet was sitting in front of me, and normally during class I never pay attention.. so I just got out my sketchbook and starting to sketch the randomness things. After what seemed like 19 minutes, Violet turned over to me and said.

"Psst.. Clem.."

I looked up at violet and said.


"I have to warn you.. when we go to my house for the sleepover.. My dad has these.. things in his base-"

Violet was just about to finish her sentence when the teacher caught her talking to me, she didn't get in trouble thank god.. but the teacher just yelled at her telling her to turn back around and listen, I didn't feel like sketching anymore.. and it's because of what violet was about to tell me.. It sounded creepy what she was gonna say, but I just ignored it.

An hour later.

Finally school was over. I was walking with Louis, Violet and Marlon, While we were Walking Violet also asked Louis and Marlon if they wanted to join in on me and Violets sleepover. Louis obviously accepted, Marlon on the other hand wasn't allowed to go sadly, and plus he had to go home early so Marlon waved us goodbye and walked home. Leaving me Violet and Louis together, Violet asked us if we had all the things we needed for the sleepover, Louis and me didn't so we basically had to go pack. We already knew where violet lived plus it was better because Louis and I lived right next door to each other, so me and Louis walked home leaving violet going to her house.

Check out what happens in part 2!
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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