June 2019 pt.1

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        After the big day of my Graduation, you can say I felt as if nothing could stop me. I stayed out late every night, went to parties, I was careless, free spirited and felt unstoppable but, like all good things that came to an end. My senior year was over and u was starting my adult hood. When it comes to adulthood at the age of 18 you feel invincible. At least I did. From staying out late with my best friend Kylie, to doing crazy things in the afternoon with my other bestfriend Kathryn.

       I remember feeling like I was on top of the world, I would wake up around 11 am everyday at my parents house get ready and levae I wouldn't return home till about 1 or 2 am everyday. Doing god knows what. River days, late nights, falling for someone everything felt like a dream. A great dream full of wonder and discovery.

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