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(I'm still really new to this I suck at spelling and storry telling but that's exactly why I'm doin this to get better ofc, the person in the pic is Noen Eubanks the you can find him on yt as well as tiktok)

Gin's pov*

"Come on, your gonna wimp out so soon? We got invited the the biggest party of the year man and by Kenji Adams! You know, like the most popular guy at school! Hellooooo were not gonna miss out on that!"

This is Cody Bridge, my so called best friend and he's dragging me to the biggest party in town.
"You know I didn't want to go, and parties aren't my thing you know that"

"Gin relax man, you should have some fun once in a while.
The only thing you do is well.... NOTHING!" Cody looked dead serious as me, I mean I get what he wanted to tell me. I didn't really go out mutch or well at all but i don't mind it. My parents are pretty strict and I guess I'm lucky to have been sent to a public school instead of a religious one.

I take a deep breath
So going to regret this
"I'll go.. just this once"

"Yyaaahhhhh way to go man now comon the party won't be waiting for us"
Cody hooked his arm around my neck and practicly dragged me to the house.

We reached the door and Cody rang the doorbell, the door swung open and we met eyes with two girls.

"Heeeyyyaaa your here for the party?"
One of the girls spoke her words were a little slured she was a brunet and had a darker tint to her.

" hell yeah we are!"
you could bearly hear them over the deafening music that was playing in the background.

The two girls let us in and gave us both a cup with what seems like alcohol. I took a sip and scrunched up my nose in discust
"So bitter."

"You'll get used to it"
He patted my back and he looked around.
"I'm going to mingle, you'll survive right?"
With that Cody was of and started talking with some pretty girls leaving me alone.

"He dragged me here even tough I didint want to go"
Gun sighed

"Hey Gin having fun ?"
Cody took a seat where I ha bin sitting.
"Whoa you look pretty out of it, you had one two many haha"
He laughed

Before I could speak to him a girl latched onto him and dragged him of.
I was sluring my words and my mind was blurry it had been three hours hours and wanted to go home, i thought of going home but when i stood up i bumped into something, someone.

"would you watch it"
Said a cold voice.
I looked up and it was Kenji seriously out of all the people I could have bumped into, and in this state ?

"I-im sorry"
I responded in awe, when I walked into him his body felt like a concreat wall

He grunted and walked up it looked like he wasn't injoying the part at all.


Hope you like it Doves, it's crazy how long I was making this. or well i started forgot  about it and then finishedwhen i remembered . Its a  short chaprer with 500 + words but i hope you all still like it.

(working on part 2)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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