~Change of Pace~

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There had to be many things a lot of people did not expect for a young blind noble to be interested in, given her predicament from birth, like gardening, or fishing- albeit with the help of a rather strong and reliable Duscar companion, or any number of things that might seem upsetting to attempt when you cannot physically see yourself doing to know if you are doing it well. For Gemini, that never was something that mattered to her, simply enjoying the chance to even try such activities at all, with guidance from kind friends who didn't want her to feel left out. One thing that she absolutely loved, even if maybe she happened to go all over if not careful, was dancing; it was always such a fun and worthwhile activity to do, made her feel so light on her feet and care-free. And with talk of a ball drawing nearer in the month, her mood was particularly sunny as could be, excited to simply be apart of such an event without the horribly vexing watch of her stepfather to hold her down as it had numerous times when he would begrudgingly bring her along to events other noble would host, making sure she stayed glued to his hip to keep from ruining his image.

For once she was happy to attend something, even happy to perhaps dress up and present herself nicely to her peers and teachers. She might not be able to see herself or them, but she didn't want to look unbecoming in the eyes of others, she'd feel awful should how she looked upset another person. With only a few days left until the night of the special event would take place, Gemini had a few ideas on things she would like to get out of the way before it came. With practiced ease of learning to adapt to her surroundings, the young heiress lifted herself from her bed to her room door, and casually strode straight to Mercedes' own door, which was only a room away. A gentle set of knocks was all she needed before she was greeted with the sound of the door opening, and a soft and sweet voice calling to her. "Oh my, hello, Gemini! What brings you to see me?" The older student asked, a pleasant smile on her features as always. "Good day to you as well, Mercedes. I hope I am not being too big of a bother, but could I come in for a moment to talk about something I was hoping to ask?" She always felt like she was speaking to a mother figure when she spoke to Mercedes, her attitude and personality something that felt so familiar, comforting. "Oh my, not at all!" The soft-spoken blonde started, giggling to herself as she continued, "You're anything but a bother. Please come in, I can make a bit of tea for us to share." Without missing a beat, Mercedes was gently ushering the other inside, allowing her to sit while she brewed up a comforting tea blend for the both of them.

"Now then, what was it you wanted to ask me?" With the same gentle tone as always, she poured them both a fresh cup each while asking. "Did you need extra help with your magic?" Gemini gave a soft laugh, gingerly taking her cup and blowing on her tea before taking a small sip the taste light on her tongue. "No, it's not anything to do with magic." She started, playing with a strand of hair on her shoulder. "I was actually wondering...With the ball only a couple days from now, perhaps maybe I could come to you for help with getting dressed up...? I want to look nice on the nice of, and...Well, I'm not any good with makeup, so I was hoping to ask for you assistance." As she explained, she traced the rim of her teacup with a finger, blurred eyes staring down in that direction but unable to see the action itself. Upon hearing the request, Mercedes perked up after taking a sip of her own drink, beaming happily at being the one asked. "Gemini, of course, I'd be more than happy to help you with your makeup, and even a dress for the event, if you need one at all! It's honestly nice that you came to me about this, since Ingrid keeps running away from me every time I try to do the same for her!" A bubbly giggle came after her last sentence, and then the young girl remembered hearing talk of Ingrid being somewhat pursued by the gentle healer, makeup bag in hand."Hehe, thank you, Mercedes, I truly do appreciate it." Came Gemini's sincere reply. She was happy to know someone so sweet as her- all of the Blue Lion house, infact. "That tackles one task on my little list of things before the ball. Now to see if the other will go as smoothly..."

Change of Pace (Fire Emblem: 3 Houses - Felix x OC)Where stories live. Discover now