We're all kinda messed up

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Thought I'd write a blink-182 book since I love them so much.

There's a picture of Amber at the top or on the side...

Okay, let us begin!

Chapter 1:

Wind was blowing against my face. I didn't know where I was, or what was going on. All I could see was black. I knew that I was moving quickly through the air - but I wasn't on the ground. I wasn't flying either. I was on my mums hip, as she was running rapidly. She had a firm grip on me with one of her arms, as if she'd never let go, and her other hand was covering my eyes. Why? Where we we going?

"Daddy!" I cried loudly, trying to wriggle out of my mum's grip.

"Daddy! Where are you?"

"Where's Daddy?" I asked my mum - but screaming the words. I kicked her, trying to pull away from her, but it was no use. She just held onto me tighter, and continued running. And she didn't answer my question, she just hushed me.

"Shh shh, Amber we'll be home soon" she said

I woke up, slightly confused. Dammit, I had another one of those dreams... About my dad. My dad that I don't know. I don't know his name. I don't know his face. I don't know where he lives. I don't know anything. Mum refused to tell me. All she said, was that he left us when I was very young, because he couldn't handle being a dad anymore. Such a selfish reason.

Oh, and if your wondering - my name is Amber Johnson, 15 from Alabama. I've tried searching for my real dad, but the problem is, so many people are named Amber Johnson, and anyway, my last name was from my mum. After a bit of searching for the real me, I gave up because it was too difficult and I'm so lazy. Anyway, why should I put all my time and effort into someone who ditched me and my mum? He's definitely in my bad book - people I dislike!

I yawned, stretched my arms and checked my phone for the time - 10:30. I decided it was an appropriate time to get out of bed, so i hopped out. I didn't even bother to make it. I stumbled to the bathroom, and lazily brushed my teeth, and washed my face with cold water, so that I could wake up a bit. Once I had finished, I made my way downstairs. I saw my mum in the kitchen, reading a magazine, whilst drinking some coffee - typical mum.

"Morning," I mumbled, walking over to her.

"Morning, you. Thought you'd be up later, since you got home late last night. Speaking of which, how was it?" She asked. Last night, I went to a party - it started off as a pool party, but then turned into a random party. When I came in the house, at about midnight, she was asleep.

"It was rad. Lots of people, and it was really fun!" I explained. "Though... Dusty did ditch me after the party - that fuctktard" Dusty's my best friend. We've known each other since preschool. His real name is Dustin, but I usually call him Dust, Dusty, Dustball, Dustbin , Dust McDustin and Tin of Dust, though, if I'm talking to my mum, I mainly refer to him as Dusty.

"Language!" My mum said. I rolled my eyes. I don't think my mum really cares if I swear - she only tells me 40% of the time, not to swear. She just thinks that she's obliged to tell me not to swear, since she's a parent. "Anyway, did that mean you made your way home alone?" She asked, worriedly. I shook my head

"No, Alison drove me home." I replied. Alison is my older friend. She's 17, and drives. She was in junior year, but she's moving up to senior, and I was in freshmen, but i'm moving up to shophomore (we're in the summer holiday now, so we're in transition).

"She was at the party?" My mum said, confused.

"Yeah. Practically all of our school was there!" I said. It was true - there were loads of kids there.

"And she didn't drink?" She said, asuming, becasue she was driving.

"I didn't say that!" My mum gave me a look of confusion and concern. "Well she had a bit, but she didn't go over the limit for drink driving." I reassured.

"Okay, good." She simply said.

"Anyway, I got so pissed at Dusty. When I got home, I text him saying 'Oi dude, why did you ditch me. You're a cock', but then we ended up having a convo about how rad the party was!" I said. My mum chuckled under her breath.

"You really remind me of your dad," She said. "He used to say 'rad' and 'dude' and 'cock' all the time." I find it weird that my dad used to say those words too. I get them from blink-182 and All Time Low - my two favourite bands. However, when my mum said this, it angered me, because of the mention of my real dad. She does it all the time, and often says that I remind her of him.

"MUM CAN YOU JUST STOP!" I said, my voice rising.

"Stop what?" She asked.

"Stop mentioning my dad. Stop saying that I remind you of him. I don't want to be like him. And anyway, if you're not gonna tell me who he is, where he is, or give me any answers at all, stop talking about him. It's like you're teasing me, mum. So just STOP!" I said, and walked out of the kitchen

Damn, I get angry easily.

What the hell is wrong with me? And my mum? And my father?

We're all kinda messed up.

But to be honest, I don't care if my father is messed up

It's not like I care about him, anyway.


Holy fudge, yes I finally did it! I've always wanted to write a Blink-182 story, and here it is

Can't wait to write all of this (omg blink reference), I have so many ideas, and I need to put them all down on paper - well, digital paper.

If you're reading my other books, sorry they're taking so long to update - trying to juggle Wattpad with homework.

See you on the next update :-)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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