"I'm okay"

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(Kirishima's POV)

3 days, it took 3 days for me to figure out why Bakugo was acting so strange around me. lets take this from the start because I don't want to leave anything out.

1 month after Bakugo and I started dating. he would always wake me up with a kiss on my cheek or on my neck. or even just a hug. And, I loved it because I would wake up nice and warm with the one person I loved most in the world, he was even higher than the love for myself.

"Baby, its time to wake up" he would whisper softly in my ear

"hm? okay bakubabe!" I would reply as he would plant a big sloppy wet kiss on my lips. he would then get out of bed and make breakfast.

It was everything I could ever ask for. this is how I wanted it to stay, he was my everything. Until.... about 1 year later....

One morning, I noticed he didn't wake me up in the mornings with a kiss or a hug, instead he would sit on his phone always smiling at it. Every time I tried looking he wouldn't show me, he would face the phone the other way. Of course I didn't know he was cheating. At exactly 9am on weekends he'd leave me all alone. I didn't think much of it the first two days. But the third time he did it to me, it hit me. as tears rolled down my cheeks I nervously waited for him to come back, and sure enough in the next 2 hours he arrived back.

I stood in front of him still crying "give me your phone! now!"

(Bakugo's POV)

Fear struck my body as he asked for my phone. i loved him so much, but after fucking Icy Hot and Deku asked for threesomes i couldn't help myself. He was crying, I didn't like it when he cried. so without thinking i gave him my phone. 

He opened it with caution and began sobbing "shit!" i thought to myself "i forgot to delete the messages!" he scrolled up to the top of the conversation still crying now shaking.

"I'm so sorry! I-I swear i was thinking about you the entire time!" I said, I didn't realise how shaky my voice was until it came out "I- I even told them I didn't want to leave you out!" what was i saying? I knew he would hate me for this! and I did it any way! how stupid can I be?! I wonder if he will forgive me....

He stares at the texts for a little while longer "H-How could you....?" he cries some more

I began crying "give me my phone!" I snapped not really myself. he jumped and puts his hand over his face in self defence as if he though I was going to hit him. I can't believe he thought i was going to punch him....

he puts my phone down and wraps his arms around me. did he forgive me? he does know what i did right? he sobs in my arms "D-Don't lie to me ever again! I don't care what the reason! And.... I would have joined you! i was horny too!" 

his words fell straight to my heart, i blushed and cried more "w-what? your not mad?"

he sighed wiping his tears on my shirt "of course i am! but Todoroki is manipulative so I understand"

(sorry this chapter is so short. i'm behind in some school work. I promise th next chapter will be longer! goodbye fellow weebs!)

Cheater! (KiriBaku)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن