Chatper One

45 0 0

Dedicated to my girlfriend,


Eddie was always a shy boy.  He just transferred schools so he was the new kid.  He didn't want to try to talk to new people.  He was always his quiet little self.  He never thought that would change

He walked through the crowded halls with his books in his hands.  He tried not to bump into anyone so they didn't yell at him or something, and he didn't want to be touched
He walked into his biologically class and walked up to the teacher.
"Where should I sit?" He asked kindly, standing straight.
"We will wait until everyone's in here then find you a seat, " the teacher smiled kindly, "my name is Mrs. Robinson, " she told him, her red lips curling into a smile
Eddie hummed, moving his money arms a little to adjust his books in his hands.
"You're Edward, correct?" She asked
"Yes, mam..." Eddie said, "everyone calls me Eddie, " he told her, looking from the floor to her blue eyes.  She had straight blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders and was wearing a yellow dress that matched her hair and made her eyes pop.

The bell rang and all the kids were sitting at their desks.  Eddie was still in the front of the classroom, looking around at everyone and flushing a little.
"Okay, Eddie..." Mrs. Robinson thought of where to put him, scanning around the room, "sit next to Richie.  He talks a lot so if there are problems, tell me and I'll take care of it, " she smiled at him
"Hey!  I'm a good student!" Richie said, everyone, starting to laugh
"Yeah.  Say that to the F's on your report card, " the teacher grinned
"Your hand slipped because I got an A, " Richie said, sitting up a little
Eddie ignored the two trying the roast each other out, walking over to him and sitting beside him.
Richie leaned back in his seat, smiling at himself as everyone laughed from what the teacher said.
Eddie looked at Richie, getting a better look at him.  He had big glasses that made his eyes look bug-like and was wearing an unbuttoned button-up shirt with a plain white shirt underneath it.
"Take a picture, " Richie said, "it will last longer
Eddie went red, looking away from him and not saying anything.

Half the day zoomed past.  Eddie only had two classes with Richie.  Thank God.
Eddie walked over to his locker, getting his lunch box out and putting the rest of his stuff in so he had less to carry.
He walked to lunch by himself.  Again, no one talked to him or looked at him.
When he got to the cafeteria, he didn't know where to shit, not finding a really empty seat.  He sat down at the end of a table, taking out his PB and J.
A friendly looking albino boy sat next to him.  Eddie looked at him and back at his food, feeling embarrassed to eat now.  He glanced at the boy.  His hair was almost white, his eyes green, his clothes dark
" what's your name?" The boy asked Eddie
"Uh... Eddie..." He told him quietly
"What class do you have next?"
"Social Studies"
"Really?  Me too, " the boy smiled, "so does my other friends," he said, a little smirk on his face, "you're the new kid.  Right?"
"Um... Yeah..." Eddie said, starting to get uncomfortable with the awkward silence now and then.
"Victor!" Some boy with dirty blonde hair with a mullet said, he looked at them for a while, "invite the new kid to our table, " he grinned, "we'll be there, " he told him, walking away
Eddie looked at, from what he guessed, Victor
"Come on, " Victor said, "I'll show you where it is"
"I would rather stay here, " Eddie said
"Alone" Eddie repeated
"Okay then, " Victor shrugged, walking to his table

Victor sat down with the Gang, "he said he wanted to fucking stay over there"
"Damn, fag is already on my bad side, " Henry said, cracking his knuckles
"Let's fuck him up then, " Patrick smirked, standing
Henry grabbed Patrick's shirt, pulling him back down, "let's wait until we are in the hall, " he smirked
"How about tomorrow, I can pick up more information and make him think we are friends, " Victor suggested
"That's a great idea, " Belch grinned, "we can even have you 'save' him, " he added
"Make him trust you more, " Patrick smirked
"Great, now we have a plan, " Henry grinned

The bell rung
Eddie got up and walked out of the cafeteria with his lunch box.
Richie was running through the halls, running into a student and making him fall over
"Fuck!" Eddie screamed when he fell
"Sorry!" Richie said, helping him up, "didn't mean to make you fall for me, " Richie winked
"Shut the fuck up Tozier, " a girl with short, curly red hair said, "are you okay?" She asked Eddie
Eddie looked into her bright blue eyes and nodded, "I'm fine, " he told her
"C-Come on, " a brown hair boy said, "w-we have to get S-Stan and Ben from the l-library"
"Who?" Richie joked
"Just get your ass walking, " she redhead said, pushing Richie
Eddie watched them leave, the interaction being a little weird in his opinion.  He walked to his class which was Social Studies, sitting at an empty seat in the very back against the wall.
Richie ran into the room, the brown hair stuttering boy walking calmly in
"Have fun in class!" Richie said, running around and almost hitting the teacher in the process
"Richie!" The teacher rolled her eyes
Bill smiled and walked to his seat, sitting down and getting his binder out of his backpack
The guy from lunch, Victor, walked in, Patrick behind the smaller boy.  Patrick had black hair to his shoulders, a white t-shirt that was more on the yellow side with some red on it.
Victor looked at Eddie and sat next to him, acting like that was where he normally sat.  Patrick sat in front of Victor, not doing anything

The bell rung again and the teacher walked it
"Alright everybody, " she smiled, walking to Eddie's side and making him stand, "there is a new student here, you know what to do, " she smiled, "his name is Edward"
"Everyone calls me Eddie..." Eddie said shyly
"Okay Eddie, " she smiled, "we will write for fifteen minutes then if you don't get it done, it's homework, " she said, then telling Eddie that he needed to write a letter to the whole class, describing himself, what he likes, etc.
Eddie nodded, looking through his back and not finding notebook paper
"Here, " Victor whispered, putting two notebook papers on his desk
"Thanks..." Eddie said, being too write.

What they all we're really doing is writing a letter to the new student.  That's what they did when there was a new kid in their class.
Bill was writing to Eddie, to sum it up, he said he was sorry about Richie in the hall and asked him a few questions.  Do you play videos games?  If so, what is your favorite?  What's your favorite book?  Etc.

After fifteen minutes, the teacher said time was up and they if they didn't finish they had to do it at home.


Nothing exciting happened for the rest of the school day.
Eddie was walking out of the school and seeing Richie and his friends together at the sidewalk.  He didn't walk up to them, instead, he just got on his bike.  He just took off then Richie yelled, "Eddie!" Making Eddie stop and look at him
"Nice bike bro!" Richie smiled, getting into his bike and everyone else did the same, "where do you live?  We all ride together so might as well have you join in!" He smiled, punching Eddies arm when he was close enough to him.
"Ow..." Eddie said, putting his hand where he hit it and brushing it off, riding away
"Dude!" Richie said
Eddie ignored him, riding to his house
"That was a little rude, " Stan said, being on his bike behind Richie
Richie sighed
"C-Come on, " Bill said, riding to Stan's house first like they always did, going the same direction Eddie went.
They all rode behind Bill, they all went home and Richie was the one that had to be by himself when everyone was at their house
He slowly rode home, not wanting to go some because he hated his family.  His mom emotionally abused him and his stepdad physically abused him.  His real dad killed himself because he didn't want a kid.  He called his mom a whore even he got really pissed at her and his stepdad would beat him because of that.
Richie walked in his driveway, throwing his bike to the side of the metal trailer and it made a loud noise, louder inside the trailer than outside.
He walked in his trailer and his mom bitching at him about hitting his bike on the trailer like she always did.  Richie took the abuse, walking to his room and slamming it, crashing on his mattress that was on the floor, along with trash.  He looked at the ceiling and put his arm.

Eddie's mom shoved a pill down his throat, making him drink water to wash it down.  Eddie coughed when she was done, laying on the bed.  His mom made sure his alarm was set and turned off the lamp, walking out of the room.
Eddie coughed and laid down looking at the ceiling

"I hate my family," him and Richie said together even though they were far apart

1614 words

MY HAPPY LITTLE PILL - REDDIETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang