Time and Space (Twilight/Doctor who FanFic)

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  • Dedicated to The Author who wrote this amazing story


Alright i would like to annouce that this story, is not mine. Not one bit. I found it on Fanfiction.net but i tried looking for it again, but i can not find it. So i don't know who the author is. It may have been deleted off Fanfiction .net so i won't beable update on this. Plz enjoy this any way.

Chapter 1 

Bella Swan was sitting on a bench outside at twilight, with a book in her hand and the light from her mobile phone allowing her to see the words. Anyone who walked past would think she was strange; in the dark, reading, in a usually abandoned street. Bella could easily read in her bedroom where she would be warm and would have a better source of light but Bella loved doing this, it was easier for her to get into the story, to feel like she was actually there, observing as the tale unfolded.

She was also being a little bit reckless; she was in a big city, at night; there were bound to be some sick people around just waiting to prey on alone eighteen year olds like Bella but she wasn't really attentive about things like that, she was just living her life.

Her mother never really noticed she was gone when she did this, Renee was still in the honeymoon phase with her new husband, Phil. Renee was a good mother but she was child like and spontaneous; Bella was more the mother of her than vice versa. Anyway Phil and Renee were out on yet another honeymoon for two weeks; they had only been married seven months, so Bella was alone; not that she minded.

The alarm Bella had set on her phone rang causing her to start and drop her book, loosing her page. She reluctantly rose from her seat, bent down to pick it up, shoved it into her rucksack and began to walk in the direction of her home, humming to herself as she did.

Suddenly a whooshing sound startled her, making her trip and land on her front. Tripping wasn't out of the ordinary for Bella, she was clumsy, beyond clumsy even. She quickly got back up and dusted herself off. The sound continued and Bella's chocolate brown eyes darted around for the source. She -didn't find it until she saw bit of blue then out of no where a blue police phone box!

She must have been dreaming, that just wouldn't happen in real life, or maybe she was just tired, her eyes playing tricks on her; the phone box was probably always there but Bella had never paid it much concern or attention.

She gasped as the doors flew open and a man in a long brown trench coat stepped out, a smile plastered on his face. He had slightly messy brown hair and was wearing a pin striped suit along with a pair converse shoes. His dark brown eyes searched around the area, he was searching his surroundings. Then his eyes locked with Bella's widened ones.

He jogged over to her and smiled wider at the shocked girl.

"Hello, could you possibly tell me what date it is?" He asked her and she could hear his English accent potently.

"Erm..." She began stupidly; who was this man and why did he just appear in a blue police box? "20th of December 2006." She said, not sure if he was asking the full date or just the day.

"Thank you very much, oh the 21st century, brilliant!" He announced turning and once again taking in the street around him, an excited expression on his face.

"That's erm... nice." Bella said, feeling rather stupid but she was eager to keep the man talking, there was something very different about him, leaving out the fact he appeared in mid air in that phone box.

The man spun back round to her again and grinned.

"What's your name?" He asked cheerily.

"Bella," She said automatically. "And yours?"

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