ItalyxReader (Hetalia)

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[Name] smiled softly as she gazed at the sunset from under a huge oak tree. The birds chirped a soothing tune and [Name] stood up reluctantly to leave…until she heard coos coming from the other side of the tree.

‘What in the world?’ [Name] thought as she silently tiptoed her way around the massive trunk.

To her surprise, a boy with light brown hair was crouched down, his back facing her.

‘Huh?’ She thought. She could have sworn his voice sounded like a girl’s for a second. “Excuse me?” She called out.

The boy jumped and screamed in surprise. “I SURRENDER! DON’T KILL ME PLEASE~!!!”

[Name] couldn’t help but chuckle. Her chuckles transformed into heaps of laughter.

“Eh?” The boy’s eyes opened in confusion.

[Name] found herself mesmerized in his gorgeous brown eyes; words couldn’t describe them! She shook herself from her thoughts and gestured to where he was crouched earlier.

“Sorry. I was just curious about what you were looking at.” [Name] tried to contain her laughter.

The boy’s mouth stretched into a full-out grin, and [Name] couldn’t help but wonder why his face didn’t split in half. “I found a cute little kitten here, see?” He showed her a furry white kitten with blue eyes. His face softened as he observed the kitten. “It looked so lonely, I couldn’t leave it here.”

[Name] felt her heart melt. A boy who was cute and sweet! ‘Kiss him now!’ A voice commanded, and [Name] ignored the temptation with a lot of difficulty.

“So…what’s your name?” [Name] couldn’t help but ask.

“Feleciano Vargas!” He chirped cheerfully. “What’s your name, belle?”

[Name]’s cheeks flushed. “Um… [Name]” She replied quickly. “Do you come out here every day?” She changed the subject hastily.

“Yeah, I do!” He replied. “Do you come here often too?”

“Yes!” She smiled. “But not to this spot.”

Feleciano suddenly looked nervous.

“Feleciano?” [Name] was, needless to say, concerned. The teen was bright and cheerful only moments ago! “What’s wrong?”

“Um…well…” Feleciano gazed into her eyes, and [Name] just realized how close they were.

“I was wondering whether you want to meet me here tomorrow…” He trailed off, looking at her expectantly.

“Maybe…” [Name] pretended to think.

Feleciano leaned closer to [Name] so their faces were only centimeters apart. His breath felt warm against her cheeks and smelled like pasta…really yummy pasta.

“Why only maybe?” He gave her his puppy eyes. He looked so adorable!

[Name] gave into her inner desire. She grabbed a fistful of Feleciano’s t-shirt and crashed their lips together. Feleciano stiffened in shock, but gradually relaxed and began kissing back. The kiss was sweet and simple; exactly how she imagined her first to be.

The pair had to break apart for oxygen and [Name] touched her forehead to Feleciano’s after regaining her breath. “So…what time tomorrow?”


How was it? Umm...this is my first story on Wattpad, so don't hate! Besides, I've never done a story (or, in this case, a oneshot) with romance and stuff...

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