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We Are Vulnerable like young altricial birds
We Cannot Leave the nest because The other "bird" wants to feast, whenever they see us it's a meal,
forks and knives always on standby what a shame.
Those Who were supposed to protect us
Are to blame
But wait protect us from what?
Their own rage?
Why have we suddenly turned Prey?

We'll continue to live in fear
It's okay i mean it's clear
That those who are supposed to lead us into Paradise
Pave the way to our demise, while protecting the spineless scums.
They blame my attire, they say my morals lack
Saying maybe i should've worn a metal trouser instead of this skirt
Trust me if God Had A Vagina-less Torso i would purchase that
But I guess God Is the image of the Other Gender.
They like us Tender
as they say with no remorse
 And On their trail Is a pile of corpse.

I can Cry a million times and drop a billion tears
But that won't stop Anything, there's not even a single ounce of guilt
In the eyes of the Man
Where's God? Oh Wait i forgot i already mentioned this.
He too is a Man.

It's time i turn into the Mbokodo they call me and strike back
It's time i become the bitch they call me and bite back!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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