First Kiss

228 24 3

I Think I Might Love You

The music was loud, almost so loud that Gilbert couldn't hear Romano talking (well, it was less talking and more ranting, really).

"And, and, and he's all 'it looks like you're wearing the mustache' and I was like wow fuck you," Romano slurred, obviously very, very drunk, but Gilbert had no room to talk seeing as he was equally intoxicated.

Gilbert only laughed in reply, and Romano continued to rant on how rude it was of Ludwig (though he was calling him potato-bastard, not Ludwig) to ruin his secret weapon like that for the next few minutes, until a slow song came on and Gilbert insisted they go dance.

Gilbert had an easy time pulling the drunk Romano out on the dance floor.

It was almost empty, only about five or six other couples were dancing to the slow song, as everyone had taken to sitting down and talking and visiting, but no one else was nearly as drunk as Romano and Gilbert, so it was no surprise. Not everyone wanted to be on a dance floor, dancing to slow songs around drunk couples that were stumbling around...

Gilbert carefully slipped his arms around Romano's waist trying his hardest not to spill the mug of beer he held in one hand, and Romano wrapped his arms around the taller mans shoulders, before slurring something Gilbert couldn't understand in Italian. If Gilbert spoke better Italian, he would've sworn Romano said something similar to "we're fucking hammered and I really wanna kiss you", but surely he was mistaken....

Gilbert began dancing with him, both just holding close to each other and slowly swaying to the soft music playing, ignoring the idle chatter of the people at the other tables, or Elizaveta's happy squealing, as they were to far gone to care.

They had locked eyes the minute they got on the dance floor, and Gilbert found himself utterly lost in Romano's eyes.

Romano was lost in a sea of gorgeous crimson, reminding him a bit of all the bright red fruits he took care of. The only difference was the red of Gilbert's eyes was far more beautiful, but his eyes were drawn lower, down to Gilbert's lips.

Gilbert stared at Romano's eyes, in a daze. He had watched the sunset before, and knew the sun was setting outside, but never had he seen such a beautiful sunset. The last rays of sunshine stretching into the room from the windows reflected off of the warm honey eyes, melting them into different hues of gold, brown, and yellow, making them into a sunset of their own that could rival any sunset in beauty and win. And Gilbert couldn't help but notice the way those eyes were focused on his lips, gazing longingly.

"Y'know, I think I might love you." Gilbert whispered, and slowly leaned down, catching a surprised Romano's lips in a case.

At first he just pressed his lips against Romano's much softer ones, but soon his tongue was tracing over Romano's bottom lip, desperately begging for entrance, which he was granted. Romano's lips slowly parted for him, and Gilbert wasted no time slipping his tongue inside, exploring Romano's warm mouth, claiming it as his. He ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth, the back of his teeth, battles Romano's tongue for dominance (and won). But sadly, he had to pull away for air, and when he did he rested his forehead against Romano's, and couldn't help the big grin on his face.

"Stop smiling, stupid bastard." Romano whined, closing his eyes while both fought to catch their breath. "I think... I might love you too, but if you tell anyone I'll rip your fucking dick off." The Italian warned, and Gilbert just laughed, tilting his head to steal another kiss, not realizing that when he leaned Romano back, he accidentally poured his beer on the ground behind Romano.

While were both very intoxicated, and wouldn't remember most of the night, but they certainly wouldn't forget this, they wouldn't ever forget the begging of their story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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