Setting Things in Motion

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Disclaimer_I do not own 'Percy Jackson and The Olympians'

Chapter I

- Setting Things In Motion -



The boy stopped abruptly, extracting his weapon from the earth and trotted over to her. She smiled in satisfaction as he kneeled at her feet. It was a courtesy she despised but nonetheless allowed given the boy's mannerism.

"At ease, Perseus." she said. The young demigod rose to his feet, hand virtually clasped on the hilt of his sword. "Your training has come to an end, young hero."

He nodded stiffly. Opposed to his dyslexia and inability to remain composed, he was keen enough to know the mistress deemed him capable enough to finally reveal himself to the world…or the better part of the world which comprised of myths of old. Although he couldn't bring himself to voice his doubts at the sudden decision. Training was efficient but he still felt inadequate wielding the sword. The length was tantamount to his legs but to a degree, it felt out of place. He needed more time to refine his skill with the weapon.

"Worry not. At your level, I hardly find it possible for any demigod to best you in combat," she said as if reading his mind.

She rose a hand and a silhouette appeared beside her. It was dark as if concealed by a shadow. It placed something into her hand but Percy was unable to see it. A tiny smile crept upon her face at his curiosity raging through a storm of calm sea-green eyes.

"Stick out your hand."

A small black hole popped out of her hand. It morphed into a thin strip and glided it's way to Percy who watched with caution. The construct of this misty darkness was cold to the touch. It warped around his finger until it solidified into a ring of some sorts.

"This ring is tied to your essence, your soul per sè," she began. "your mind will be barred from any godly intervention. You will find solace in the darkest of times. This ring ensures you don't stray from your path. Heroes come and go, Perseus, but I know you'll do me proud. Your name holds power. I see it, and in time, so will everyone else."

Their surroundings morphed into a temple. Five times the size of his stepfather's apartment. There was a small jaguar statue to the side of the steps and a wild cat on the other. On the top platform, he made out a golden canon, although it looked ornamental at best. The temple was nothing extravagant but he knew it was significant.

"I must warn you though; the life of a demigod is dreadful and at most times, dangerous." Nyx warned, but her tone was soft. She greatly admired the boy before her – which pained her to be parting ways with him. "The son of Leto is a hypocrite. What he stands for is an illusion passed down the line as a blessing in the golden age of my daughter, Hemera."

It wasn't directed towards him but Percy could detect the disdain at the mention of the embodiment of Day.

"Sunlight in particular bears a tiny glimmer of hope in the darkest of days," The light always reminded her of her favorite daughter, Aither. "It's the sad truth, but only partially.

"You're not going to make me wear all black, are you?"

Nyx smiled coyly. She wished she was here in her real form but fate had it in for her. Nyx frowned as her form shimmered momentarily. Her time was almost up. Percy eye's shone with worry but his expression never changed. She taught him well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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