Chapter 1

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I looked up into his eyes. They were brown. Rain washed away the blood that was flowing from my cuts.

I had just jumped out a second story window running from the Specials. They were trying to make me pretty. But I know what really happens when you go through the surge. Nobody ever comes out the same. And I don't just mean they look different. They act different.

Way to nice. No anger no hatred. Not even when they get drunk. Actually I have never seen a drunk pretty. See! They aren't human. But they won't get me. I will run forever.

"Are you OK? I heard a crash and came to see what was going on."

"Yeah I'm fine." I looked up at the window and saw figures getting closer," We'd better run if we want to remain human."

I grabbed his hand and we took off running. I heard shouting from behind but never stopped to see how close they were. That would have meant death. Well not death exactly, because your body is still around. But I know that you are not you. So all I think of to describe it is your dead.

The man next to me looked at me and asked," Why exactly are we running? And who are we running from?"

"No time to explain," I said between gasping breaths." Must run to the river ... can't stop ... I'll explain later."

We ran in to the woods that surrounded Uglyville. The shouting became softer and I thought we were out of the water but then I heard the whir of hover cars and new we needed to get to the river on the double.

"Dang it."

"Hey this way." The brown eyed guy ran off to the left.

"Were are you going? The river is this way." I didn't want him to get caught. I don't know why I felt such a longing to be with this guy. I didn't even know him. And he dressed funny. A brown suit with a long tan coat over the top and red shoes. I had never seen these before. There was a white circle on the inside but I could not see what was on the circle. And his hair. It was wild.

He ran a few steps a head but I never lost any space between us. He looked behind to see if I was following. When he saw that I was he smiled then turned back around to see what was ahead.

"Hey were are you going. I said we need to get to the river."

He rounded a tree then said, "I have a place we can hide."

"But we need to run not hide." I replied.

"We can do both. It's just ahead there." He jumped some bushes with me right behind.

This guy is nuts. How can we run and hide at the same time?I thought to myself. Then he stopped so abruptly that I collided with him.

"Hey, why are you stopping?"

I looked up and saw him sticking a weird looking object in a hole that was on a big blue box.

"This is your escape plain. A big blue box in the middle of the woods. The specials will find us for sure." I yelled at him.

"Hey you don't have to come." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Fine I won't." With that I ran off into the woods back toward the river. "Great now I have to search for my hover board. I don't have time for that. They'll get me for sure." As if on queue I heard the whir of the specials hover cars getting closer. I picked up the pace and sped to the river's edge. I jumped over a fallen log and landed on the pebbled ground that lined the river.

"Oh my board should be right... HERE!" I yelled, "Boy am I lucky."

I strapped on my cuffs and clipped on my belly sensor. Then snapped my fingers in the command to rise. My board rose out of the leaves and I stepped on. I moved the board over the water and sped off.

"Ha they'll never get me now."

I wiped the rain from my eyes in time to see a pack of specials burst through the brush 20 feet in front.

"Oh No!" I slammed the board backwards and turned to go the other way but a hover car was coming in fast.

"No!" I said with fright, "They won't take me." I flew up as high as I could. It was high enough for me.

I wanted them to come up to me so I could drop at the last sec and fly under them. At first it looked like it was working but then the specials spread out to all levels around me. It wasn't going to work.

"Goodbye." I said. My board shut off and we fell into the river.

The last thing I remember was the shouts of rage coming from the specials as I hit the freezing cold water. Then it went black.

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