C-C-C-C-Ch 1!!

105 3 3

Godzilla: hmm... this must be the place... (gets on the island)

Rodan: (falls from sky)

Godzilla: what the!!?? are you ok???!!

Rodan: does it look like I am stupid?

Godzilla: (growls) (walks on)

Rodan: wait! help me up please! or at least defeat the queen and her brothers!!

Godzilla: fine...

Rodan: I cant wait to see that stupid dead and off the island

Mothra: you didn't bring me the crystal!!??

Space Godzilla: uh.. n-n-no my queen

Mothra: (beams him)

Space Godzilla: AHH! (runs away)

Godzilla: umm...

Mothra: hm.. are you new? OR AN INTRUDER!!?? (beams him)

Godzilla: ow :I

Mothra: WHAT?!! (beams him multiple times)

Godzilla: ow ow ow ow ow ow :I

Mothra: hmm.. (beams ledge above him)

Godzilla: (gets hit and gets buried under it)

Mothra: ha!

Godzilla: (comes out from ground 10 ft away from the rock pile)

Mothra: WHAT??!!

Godzilla: you haven't even seen my moves yet...(tail slams down) (they start to flash blue then start to turn blue from the tip of the tail to the head and fires atomic breath)

Mothra: (wings protect self but gets pushed back)

Godzilla: (three headed kaiju attacks him)

Arufa: never hurt my sister!

Migi: our sister!

Arufa: right..

Kevin: you guys sure we should be killing?

Arufa: shut up Kevin! no one likes you!

Kevin: (whimpers)

Godzilla: (tail swings and grabs a wing)

Migi: AH!

Arufa: you scream like a female!!

Migi: shut up!

Arufa: you shut up!

Migi: grr.. (bites Arufa)

Arufa: (growls) I..am...your...ALPHA!! (rips Migi's head off)

Kevin: no! Migi!

Arufa: shut up Kevin he will grow back (turns) wait... where did he go? (head get blasted off by atomic breath

Kevin: (shivers with fear) wait... (head falls off and middle head grows) yay! I'm the new alpha for 6000 years!

Godzilla: (growls)

Kevin: I'll be on my way... (flies away)

Godzilla: grr (gets zapped)

Battra: (zaps him more)

Godzilla: (tail swipes him and he falls)

Battra: (gets up)

Godzilla: (tail hits him back to the ground)

Battra: (tries to get up but falls)

Mothra: n-no... my.. my siblings...

Godzilla: time to end you...

Mothra: p-please.. n-no...

Godzilla: (growls)

Mothra: (closes eye's and whimpers)

Godzilla: (fires atomic breath and walks away)

Mothra: (opens eyes slowly) huh? w-why dint he kill me...

Rodan: how was your talk with the queen?

Godzilla: (stops walking) (slams tail down)

Rodan: aww.. little loser angry.

Godzilla: (tail flashes blue and starts to turn blue from tail to the head and fires atomic breath)

Rodan: AHHHHHH!!!!!!

Godzilla: (walks on)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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