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I don't really know how to put this, but I'm literally obsessed with you. Not the crazy stalker type of obsession, but rather the I can't stop thinking about you every second of the day obsession.

I look at it as you being my person, you were created solely for me and no one else. You make me feel things I've never felt before. It's wonderful and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I'm in the state of doting when I'm with you. Which means I'm in an intense feeling of deep affection. I can't get over you, the way you smell.. like apples, the way you talk.. I could listen to your voice all day, the way you look when you smile.. so beautiful it makes my insides feel funny, the way you feel when your arms are wrapped around my body.. So warm and comforting.

I love you.. I don't really know what it means, but I know when I'm with you I don't want whatever it is that I'm feeling to end. If that's love then it's fucking great.

You're a fantastic listener even when you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about half of the time. God, you're amazing. I lucked out with you. I'm sorry I don't tell you enough. I promise I'll let you know more.

I've grown a lot as a person since I've met you. You've taught me things, amazing things that I wouldn't have ever dreamt of knowing. You're a gift from God and I will cherish you every step of the way. I'll love you forever.

Don't stop loving me.

+ Yours.

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