Chapter 1!

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Jacob was just an ordinary boy at an ordinary high school. He was just like any other fourteen year old boy. He had blond hair and olive skin. He liked chocolate ice-cream, reading and helping people. But little did he know his life would quickly change and he would no longer be an ordinary fourteen year old boy. His life changed when he was doing his maths test, he was pulled out of class by his mum. A little embarrassed he went and talked with her. His mum told him that she was a top secret agent and that he was one too. She said to him that he had to save the world and stop the bad guys and that he starts today and there was not turning back. He had to help.

Jacob was so excited and scared. The whole town was depending on him. He couldn’t let them down. He knew what he had to do and had a small idea how to do it. But there was no way he could do it by himself. Then out of no where two kids cam into the room arguing with a man that was with them. 

“There is no way I am going to save the town” Yelled the girl. 

“We might get killed!” Screamed the boy. They stopped talking when they saw Jacob. The man started talking but all Jacob could think about was the girls bright, beautiful, blue eyes. 

“Jacob, Jacob did you just hear what I just said?” Said the man and Jacob was snapped out of his daydream. As they got ready for their mission the time just flew by and it was almost time for them to leave. They were about to start their mission when a news podcast came on television. It showed a bunch of police outside a local bank. It showed the bad guys that they had to capture had broken into the bank and stole money. They set out for their mission before it was too late!

They walked the streets slowly making sure they stayed out of sight. As they walked Jacob thought about their time in HQ. He had found out only a little about his team mates and wanted to know more about them. He has found out both their names; Pipper and Tom and that all three of them were from different schools. Pipper was smart and came up with their plan. Tom liked to fix broken things and play with gadgets. And then there was him. Jacob wasn’t smart or good at fixing things. He was just an ordinary high school kid. Then a loud bang stopped the flow of his thoughts. They quickly hid behind some bins and saw a group of gangsters. They walked straight past. There was a Coles near by so they went inside thinking that it would be smart to stay in there so they didn’t bump into the gang again. They stayed in the shop for fifteen minutes before leaving again. As they walked though the doors they were ambushed by gangsters. They grabbed Pipper and ran away. The gang knocked out both Jacob and Tom with a baseball bat.

When Jacob and Tom awoke it was still dark and they had a massive lump on there head. Pipper was gone and they had no idea where they had taken her. They decided to go back to HQ before pedestrians went for their morning jog. When they got back to HQ everyone was super happy.

“OH WOW that was quick, so you have the stolen treasure then.” Said one man. 

“NO you fool they aren’t that smart, they're back to rethink.” Said another. The boys told everyone what happened. They spent the next hour or two discussing how to get Pipper back. They thought about where the gangsters would hide and where people would look less of. They figured out that they should look underneath Jacob’s school. They only question was how to get in!

The boys left at sunset. They went to Jacob’s school, only not to learn but to rescue their friend, Jacob and Tom poked around for a secret door but found no such thing. They had just about lost hope when they found one of the Science windows open. They climbed inside and everything was dark. They decided to try the boys toilets for an underground secret entrance. They found the entrance though a toilet cubical and how they figured it out you don’t want to know. They went down stairs, though pipes until they came to a big opening. They snuck around making sure that nobody would hear them. They went though a couple of big rooms until they saw Pipper locked in a cage on the other side of the room. There was a big beefy man guarding her. There was another three guys playing poker. The card players were no way as big as the other guy. They were tall and thin and they were yelling at one another. They all didn’t look that hard to beat, but there was only two fourteen year old boys against four fully grown men, and one of them was the size of two men. “All we need is a distraction.” Tom whispered. 

The two boys decided to set some toilet paper on fire and put it underneath the smoke detector that was in another room. They would hide behind a wall as the bad guys ran past, then free Pipper and escape! Tom went back upstairs to get some toilet paper while Jacob looked for a smoke detector that was in the perfect position.

When they had finished setting up they got into their positions. They set the toilet paper on fire and hid. The plan worked, it took awhile for the alarm to be set off, but when it did the men all ran out the door. They had only a couple of minutes before the men would come back, they had to make it quick. They ran to Pipper. The cage was unlocked surprisingly. They opened the cage, grabbed Pipper and ran. They ran the whole way without stopping. Though the big rooms, though the pipes and up the stairs. Only when they reached the window did they stop running. They climbed out the window and hid behind a near by bush. They saw the gangsters run past and stop. Jacob rang the police and they were on their way. Once the police arrived they put the gang in handcuffs. One man looked familiar. When Jacob got closer it was his horrible maths teacher. They locked him up and they would not see them again for a long time. They got the treasure back and celebrated, they even got a new, fun maths teacher too.


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