A Girl Gets a Vision

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It was happening again. Freya recognized the high school walls the moment it came into her view. The same dream came to her night after night. It was dark but she could see the silhouette of a tall man in the distance.

When she first had this dream she wandered the halls to find Beacon Hills High School banners all over the place. Along with a picture of a maroon cyclone. She did everything in her power to avoid the dark silhouette.

But after being stuck in the same dream she decided she had no choice but to find out what this mysterious man wanted. She had a strange feeling that he wasn't human. So she approached him carefully.

"Hello?" She spoke softly as she inched closer to the dark shape.

It was dead silent and everything was illuminated by the full moon outside the window. She swallowed the lump in her throat and gently reached a hand up to touch his shoulder.

The silhouette turned on his heels and Freya gasped, her eyes widened. She reeled herself back as a pair of red glowing eyes glimmered in the moonlight. It wasn't a man she was looking at, it was a high school student with short dark hair.

The boy moved his hand to his black shirt where you watched slashes begin to form and blood began dribble down onto the floor. Freya reached forward to help but he fell backwards with his red eyes still open. The color slowly faded into his natural dark brown eyes as his life slipped away.

"Scott! Scott!" A woman's voice echoed through the halls.

Freya listened carefully as she began hearing more voices.

"Scott McCall." Another male voice spoke.

Freya gasped and quickly sat up. Little beads of sweat covered her forehead and her heart hammered in her chest. She ran a hand through her long red hair and focused on her breathing.

Scott McCall. True Alpha. Save him and his pack.

That's what her dreams were telling her to do. And when she felt the adrenaline flood through her veins she swung her legs over her bed and immediately began grabbing at any article of clothing she could find. It didn't matter that it was only 6 in the morning and that she was about to start senior year in high school.

This was urgent. She could feel it in her bones.

A light knock echoed off her door frame and she snapped her head up. The older man that was standing in her doorway wasn't her father. He wasn't even blood related but he was the one who had been looking after her since she was 10 years old. To her, Connor Murphy was all the family she had.

"Hey, Kid. What's all this?" Connor questioned in a thick Irish accent.

"I'm going to Beacon Hills." She replied.

Connor reached a hand up and scratched the back of his head. "Let me guess, you had a vision?"

"Yeah. It's been haunting me all week. I need to go. There's a boy in trouble." She began shoving clothes in her duffle bag.

"Look, Freya... I know your visions are on point and you want to help but this is our home. We can't just pack up and move every time you have one of your visions." Connor argued.

"Well, Im 18 and I can find a place to stay, maybe at a hotel or something. But the bottom line is I'm going. You can either come with me and help or you can stay here."

She zipped up her bag and turned back to look at Connor.

Connor nodded his head. "I'll start looking for a house after breakfast."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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