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Grace Smith.

That's a name I haven't heard in a while.

If I'm being honest, no ones heard that name in a while. Saying the name Grace Smith was the equivalent to saying Voldemort at Hogwarts. You just don't. Sure, the reasons for not uttering this girls name are completely different...

Grace Smith was an angel.

Yes, you heard right.


She's not dead, if you were wondering. At least not officially.

But let's not get into that part of the story yet. I have too much to explain now.

Grace Smith was the classic "nice girl" in school. She was religious, she dated the quarterback of the football team and was best friends with the mean girl.

Tacky, I know.

It's the truth though, as hard as it is to believe.

Grace Smith came straight out of a classic teen movie.

With her flawless skin, unblemished with freckles and pimples, like most teenagers and her long silky blonde hair. She had the most gorgeous blue eyes, the kind of eyes girl's wished they had. The kind of eyes you could stare at for ages, the kind of eyes you find yourself getting lost in.

Her eyes are what I remember most. The light ocean blue color, the outside of her irises coated in a solid dark blue, and the golden specs that floated around.

I could never forget those eyes...

Anyways.... Exactly one year ago today, tragedy struck the small town of Stonehaven, New Hampshire.

It affected everyone in town. Every single goddamned person.

A few weeks later, it was erased from history. No one spoke of it, no one asked of it. I assume they thought ignoring the problem would eventually make it go away. They were wrong because now, there were even more questions than before.

Grace was the angel in town. She volunteered at a homeless shelter every Saturday, and every Sunday she went to church and spent the day with her parents and older brother Derek. Friday night was party time... The weekly football game and after party, and Grace always went. She had to support her boyfriend as he played and celebrate with him after he won. She never missed school, wasn't even late once. She had perfect grades and even tutored others. She was also the cheer captain.

I don't even know how she kept up with that hectic schedule and still managed to see her friends. Her favorite dinner was called, Alexandria's. She went their every day after cheer practice at the same time. 6:30. Always 6:30. She was always with her stud of a boyfriend James Dier and his idiot best friend, Jacob Cruize. And I can't forget about Stonehaven high's very own H.B.I.C. (also known as head bitch in charge) Madeline Rhodes.

James was your classic asshole jock. He's selfish, cocky, and his ego is bigger than the Empire State building. His eyes are hazel, but not the pretty kind. He's a brunette and he always slicked his hair back. For some unknown reason, he would leave a single curl hanging down his forehead. It was gay and every time I saw the damn thing I wanted to call the man a fag, but I'd rather not get jumped by the entire football team. Anyways, he was a dick and dating Grace didn't change that. If anything it made him worse. The things I've heard him say to Grace and the way I've seen him act towards her... It was disgusting and I wished I had done something about it a year ago.

As for Jacob Cruize... He was a player. Never dated a girl and the only time you'd see him talking to one in school was for the sole purpose of a good fuck. His hair was blonde, darker than Grace's and he had dark eyes, so dark they looked black. He was a flirt. I'd see him winking at Grace often, eyeing her up and down. I've seen him whisper in her ear... Seen the way her body would tense when he would innocently brush against her. He made her uncomfortable and that was all it took for me to hate him. This dude didn't seem to care that she was his best friends girlfriend.

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