10 Years Later........

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Naomi P.O.V

Over the pass 10 years a lot has changed. Me and Liam of course got married and had Trevor and then we had another boy, Tyler. But now Trevor is 14 and Tyler is now 10. My mom moved, but still lived in Washington and got married to Paul who she met at a hospital in Washington. Liam's parents owns their very own farm, and also moved. And of course the gang is just the gang with only a few slight changes.

Amber and Stephen got married their last year of college and had a son a few months after that named Jeffrey. Olive and Joshua of course got married and adopted a girl, Alexandria and had another daughter Sarah, who is Tyler's age. China and Keaton also got married and had twins, Ryan and Lily. Hailey and Evan of course had two boys, Philip and Fred and now they're almost Trevor's age. And last but not least Trevor and Holly of course had a daughter, Angel and now she's 15. Yeah me and her had a tiny problem back then, but we been settled it and decided to be just friends. But not best friends like we were back in high school. 

But over the past 10 years things have been really good. Liam is now the CEO of the company he created himself and I'm the cheer-leading coach at the local high school. Trevor is now into girls and is now crushing on this girl that lives across the street from us, which is his best friend, how ironic. Trevor, which is the little boy I met when I was at the park some years ago, is now all grown up, is like a big brother to my son Trevor. Tyler is so smart and is into football. But other than that everything has been great and the same, we have no problems and the best part about it is, the gang all moved on the same street so that we all can stay in touch and so our kids can grow up together.

"Mimi can you tie my tie for me babe?" Liam yelled .

"Come down stairs I'm cooking breakfast." I yelled back and he came down the stairs with his tie around his neck and his brief case in his hand. And right behind him was Trevor smiling hard as ever at his phone.

"Trevor who got you smiling like that?" Liam asked him, which he already knew the answer to.

"No one dad." Trevor laughed nervously.

"I know who it is." Tyler said smiling like the little devil he is and Trevor glared at him.

"It's Kamrynnnnn," Tyler said and Trevor got up and started chasing him around the kitchen.

"Trevor stop chasing him and Tyler leave your big brother alone." Liam said laughing. The boys finally stopped running and sat down at the table and waited for me to put breakfast on the table.

"So what time do you get off work tonight?" I asked him as I tied his tie.

"8 as usual. Plus I'm the boss so I can leave whenever I want." he said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You sure are the boss." I laughed naughty and kissed my lips softly.

"Mom and dad get a room," Tyler said disgusted and we laughed. Liam sat down and I put his plate in front of him and he started eating.

"Dad I got a game next week are you going to be there, I'm the new quarter back for the rest of the season?" Tyler asked.

"Of course I will, your know you old man use to be the quarter back, back in his days." Lam said and I laughed.

"Did you have hot cheer-leaders cheering for you?" Trevor asked and Liam smiled at me.

"Of course and you know, your mom was head cheer-leader." He said and Tyler and Trevor looked over at me.

"Really mom?" Tyler asked.

"Yup, we use to always cheer for your dad, he was lucky number 1." I said and Liam smiled.

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