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⛓ w a r n i n g! Don't read If you get triggered easy or a Blink 😪⛓
Okay I would like to say that Jennie getting hate for being lazy cause it's the way fans are . They want the members to ask a certain way. She's not the only person that gets hate like that. Blackpink doesn't get bashed as much as other groups . Bp is worked way to much and there music isn't even good quality. They would have been if they weren't a group. There raps make no since and the Dances are the same and those are straight facts . You can hate me for saying that but it's true. They got the short end of the stick for talent and shit like that . I feel like they should have just been a temporary group. There fandom is a piece of shit and toxic asf! I can go on forever and others can agree . Y'all say bp is paving the way when they are overrated as fuck like seriously 😒 . They are not even a Healthy group and true they are a lazy group and they need a break. But back to the fans.
There fan base is toxic and is getting even more toxic. They are saying that Jhope is ugly and that taehyung should die. RM can't rap. Yoongi is grumpy and Lazy. Jin is ugly. Jimin is fat and trash and shit like that. They BLinks get triggered with comebacks that army's gives! Like don't start saying shit and not expect someone to say something back 👼

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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