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" As you know, Midoriya is unable to come in, due to severe weather. So, to keep our office operating at full strength, I asked another Witch to

fill in.", said Yoshika. Then, the mentioned 'fill in ' walked in. " Hello, for those who do not know me, *smiles* I'm Erica Hartmann."

" Hartmann - san, take the desk next to Tanjiro - san. ", said Yoshika. Tanjiro was doing his work, feeling being stared at, and looked to his right,

at a smiling Erica. " You..., are ...., cute... .", she said. Then, given him a flirty wink. " Erica - san, stop flirting, more working.", said Yoshika.

' I wonder how Barkhorn - san, puts up with it.', she thought.

At the 501st Base, Gertrude sneezed. " That was, 'odd'.", she said.

The Branch Office, was filled with its' usual activity, despite Hartmann being with them. " Grab your stuff, traffic incident.", said Yoshika.

" So, we're going to write traffic citations?", asked Erica. " Not exactly.", said Tanjiro.

" I was on my way, back to base. Until these high performance cars, quite literally, 'shoved' me off the road.", said the Liberion soldier.

" How did you know what type or category?", asked Nezuko. " I'm from Detroit. Cars is in my blood.", replied the African - Liberion.

" Took photos of the tread patterns. We should know which cars were used.", said Lynette to the Directors. " At least, we should be given,

some good evidence.", said Yoshika. " Judging by damage, I would say, our friend gotten off, lucky.", said Tanjiro.

" No signs of, collision. So, it matches our victim's testimony.", said Erica. " You did this before.", said Tanjiro. " I helped NCIS before.", Erica

replied, smiling. " Um, Miss Erica, I got a girl.", said Tanjiro.

" Rural 213, is a notorious illegal rural racing area. Our victim was fortunate, he walked away. ", said Yoshika. " So, we stake it out?", asked

Tanjiro. " Not a bad idea. We got the descriptions, but they're vague at best. So, we get ourselves an undercover car, and drive the area.",

said Yoshika.

" 57' Chevy. Nice and Classic.", said Erica. Tanjiro was looking over the car, in a T - Shirt, with Blue piping, jeans and tennis shoes.

" I don't know about cars, but this is big and....." He sees Erica, in a Pink, knee high dress and White and Pink bow wedgie sandals.

".... beautiful.", he said. " Man of taste I see. Shall we?", replied Erica.

The dou was driving around Rural 213. " This car is equipped with front and rear cameras.", said Tanjiro. " Nice, we'll have evidence against

those dumbkopfts.", said Erica. Then, he slowed down. " Foxes.", he said, pointing out of the windshield. And, sure enough, a family of them

crossed the road. " Cute.", she said. They continued on, until two high speed cars, almost forced them off the road, with the back draft,

from their speeding. " I'm going to hit them, with the Blue flashers. ", he said.

The trio of cars, kept matching their moves. " Tanjiro, hold us steady.", said Erica, pulling out her Sig Sauger. She leaned out the passenger

window, and fired at the left rear tire. It popped, causing the racer to the left, to pull off the road, while the other, went off into a ditch.

" I'll take the one, in the ditch.", said Erica, as she slipped out of her footwear, and raced out of the car. " LAW ENFORCEMENT/FEDERAL

AGENTS!", they cried out.

" The cars, are obviously built in a shop, so nobody knew if they are from a car brand or not.", said Tanjiro. " The idiots, who built them,

wanted to see, who built the BEST car. The bodies were 3D printed, before the rest were installed.", said Erica. " Nice work.", said

Yoshika. Then, they spotted Perinne, Kendo Stick, and Black Deadly Aura. " HARTMANN! YOU DARE TRY TO STEAL MY BOYFRIEND !" The

Blonde Karlslander slowly stood and ran past Perinne, and she given chase, with her weapon above her head.


NCIS COLDWATER, AGENT HARTMANN?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora