-^🌻^} "Cherry or Lime?"|^| Prolouge

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POV: Third
Character Focus: Veronica Sawyer



"Well, Veronica. Did you say cherry or lime?"

"I didn't. I said big gulp."

"Cherry it is." The tall 17 year old male chuckled, walking over to the slushy dispensers, grabbing a cup and putting it under it. He then poured the cherry flavored slushy into the cup and put a lid on it and poked a straw trough the lid. The kid then handed it to her.

Veronica chuckled, taking the cup from him. She put the straw between her lips, sucking the straw and soon getting a brain freeze from the cold slushy. JD watched the shorter girl with a small smile on his face. He felt... jealous. That she wouldn't like him, and she'd grow to go to college, without him. "Veronica Sawyer." He repeated her name, making her look up.

"Hm?" Veronica hummed, stopping herself from drinking the slushy for a bit. "Uh. Nothing. I was just thinking about something." He responded. "What was it?" Veronica asked him and he opened his mouth to answer. "Well, I just bet that you're going to go to some college, probably Harvard or Duke, and marry some lawyer."


"VERONICA!" There was a yell coming from outside her closet door. "Open the fucking door, NOW!" He yelled after that. The girl hugged her knees as she was against the door, hiding from her "boyfriend". She broke up with him, but he still thought that they were dating. She shook her head no, although he couldn't see her.


The door had been shot three times and Veronica shrieked with it. She then got an idea, so she stood up, stumbling as she did so, and grabbed some of her old clothes, tying them together. She looped them around a beam going from the top of one wall to another, tying a noose-like loop the bottom. She made sure it wasn't too tight before grabbing a chair and standing on it, putting her neck inside the opening. Then, she kicked the chair out from beneath her.

She felt the rope around her neck, a little tighter than she thought it'd be, but not enough to actually hurt her. Suddenly, she heard a few more gun shots, one hitting the door handle. She closed her eyes, but not tightly. So that it's seem like she were dead. But she wasn't.

"Veronica—!" JD sang, pushing the door open and seeing Veronica's "dead" body. He had the gun in his hands, ready to shoot her.

Veronica woke up in a panic, tears forming in her eyes. She had ended up sitting up when she woke up. She didn't know why she had a nightmare about him now, cause for the last eight years, she hasn't been having nightmares of him. "Veronica? Are you okay?" Her boyfriend Elijah asked, and she shook her head 'no', and so he pulled her in a hug. "It's okay, Ronnie." He whispered to her.

After a few minutes, she calmed down.

She buried her face into his shoulder, frowning. "Just try to go back to sleep, Veronica." Her boyfriend told her, and she nodded, laying back down. He wrapped an arm around her, kissing her cheek as he laid back down. "Goodnight." He muttered and she nodded again, closing her eyes and falling back asleep.

Her alarm went off, and so she woke up, not feeling the presence of Elijah beside her. She sat up, sitting there for a bit before actually getting up out of bed and putting on some clothes. Veronica walked into her en-suite, putting on some makeup and combing her hair enough so that it wasn't everywhere. She looked almost the same as she did when she was in high school, but older. Older as in 8-9 years, as she was currently 26.

She walked downstairs, seeing her boyfriend in the kitchen, finishing making breakfast, which was eggs. "Good morning, Ronnie." He said with a smile and put her eggs on a plate. "Good morning." She responded, smiling back at him. She grabbed a fork and at down at the table. Lilith was already finished with her breakfast. Her long brown hair was curled, and she was wearing a pink dress. "Good morning, mom." She said, and Veronica smiled even more. "Good morning, Lil."

She finished her eggs, and put them in the dishwasher. Lilith put on her shoes, and fanned her bag which was a pastel blue. Veronica put her shoes on as well, before opening the door. "Bye," She said to her boyfriend who kissed her cheek. "Bye." He said back to both of the girls who left. Veronica would usually be the one who'd take Lilith to school, so she kind of had a routine: Have breakfast, make sure Lilith is ready, take her to school, either go to work or go home depending on what day it is. Today, she was able to go back home after dropping her off at school.

She got in the car with Lilith in the backseat, and she drove to Westerburg Elementary. She stopped outside of the doors, and Lilith got out, said goodbye to her mom, and walked in.

And that's when she saw it; a tall male with curly dark brown hair, with a black jacket on. He was with a kid who looked about 8, who looked like him. He knelt down to him, and kissed his forehead, and then the kid ran outside. The older man stood up and faced her car for a second. He saw Veronica, and winked at her before getting into his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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