Chapter 1

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I fly around the world bored. I have destroyed all the villages, and I know there is one more left. I spot the village, and it looks different, looks like it was fortified. it doesn't matter to me!

I go down and destroy the village, torturing the poor villagers and hearing them beg for mercy. All but one person has been killed, they looked like a player. For some reason, that person didn't have a nametag. They weren't a villager and possibly not a player.

I approached them with my sword in hand, and that's when they turned around, I couldn't see their face as it was hidden in a large hood. Their robe was baggy, and in their hand, they held an Enchanted Diamond sword. I immediately knew that this was an unknown player, someone who was not on any record. They slashed at me, not aware of who I was.

I fought back struggling but finally saw them get tired, and I pinned them, that fight took a lot out of me.

"Alright, mortal enough. I am not here to harm you. I have questions." I tell them in a commanding voice, and they immediately sheath their sword. I grin.

"Now, who are you under that hood." They paused for a moment like they were hesitating. I immediately knew that there was something wrong. I am not a complete monster. I sat them up, letting them free and they pulled their hood down, I was shocked, I was expecting them to run.

A girl, with medium-length blonde hair that was pulled up in a ponytail, had a scar on her cheek, but what really stood out was her white eyes. This took me by surprise. She had a stoic face with a hint of a frown. 

"Don't hide yourself. Why the attack mode? I ask her this time more softly.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were Steve... ever since I got these eyes, he has been chasing me, I was corrupted, I had a normal life, but they tested on me..."

I growl at the thought of Steve, I look at the girl, someone just like me, who is her equivalent.

"So who was the success? I'm not trying to be mean, but Steve is the better me." I try to explain as I signal a few skeleton guards.

She looked worried at the sudden skeletons but spoke again.

"Alex, Steve's companion - she was made to replace me, I felt alone, and everyone hated me. I hid in this village."

I nod as I listen intently, and I order my guards to carry her stuff.

"Come with me, I can give you a safe space," I say, hoping she will accept. I see a nod come from her and I pick her up and I head to the nether portal, Her robe was removed and I could see her outfit, I would have to admit she looked insanely attractive.

I arrived at the nether and I placed her down at a table and gave her some food. She is still not really talking, which I understand.

"Who made your sword? It looks super powerful." I say, trying to see if I can strike up a conversation as she is a complete mystery.

"I stole it from the king of the overworld, notch. I needed something to use to run, so I decided to keep it." She says with a sigh.

"I know life is hard. You are like me. I can show you how great it can be and maybe get revenge, I hate Steve too."

When I spoke, she perked up a bit, her white eyes glowing a bit. She felt a sense of reassurance.

"That sounds fair. Is there a place I can sleep?" She asks me, I still have yet to determine a name.

"You know who I am right." It takes her a full minute to realize all this time that I am Herobrine.

"I do, I'm just realizing. I'm so sorry for your pain, too. I'm assuming you're looking for my name, too. I am Jen. I know it's not the best, but.."

That name I like a lot. I grin, and I lead her down the hall to my room. "You can stay here with me, I have a mattress in there I can sleep on," I tell her, She looks surprised and gives thanks. She questioned why I was not sleeping in the bed.

"A true gentleman doesn't let a lady sleep on the floor," I tell her. She smiles after hours, and she goes and lies down.

Tomorrow I will help her and train her.

I thought I would rewrite this as it sounded cringe and apparently published in 1969, and that is a major error!
Hope you enjoyed a small taste of the adventure.

Jen Afton.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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