Chapter 1

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Second Chances
Chapter 1

Running is the only thing left for me to do, maybe if I run far enough and long enough, the past and my memories will stay there as well.

HItching a ride, I get as far as a small town, Red Canyon. The driver pulled in front of this bar/restaurant-Luna Mesa. "Thanks again for the ride". The driver looked me over before smiling, "welcome sweet cheeks, hopefully, you will find what you are looking for". I grab my backpack and walk into the Luna Mesa, sitting at the bar. It was 8 at night and the place was barely full. An older gentleman walked up to me, giving me a smile, "what can I get for you pretty young lady?" Looked into my backpack to see how much money I had before making a decision. "What will $5 get me?"He smiled back at me, "I've got you pretty". I sat there waiting for him to return. Wasn't long before he returned with chips, a sandwich, and a drink. Cautiously I took the meal from him, thinking to myself, nothing in life if free, always comes with strings attached. Thank you, I said quietly, not making eye contact with him. As I looked up, I saw him smile at me, and said, "this one is on me pretty". Maybe I was wrong.

I started eating, halfway thru, I hear a commotion when a group of guys walked into the bar. My eyes were drawn to the most beautiful deep blue eyes that promised a dark side that will mesmerize me. I looked away at first, thinking to myself, now there is a man that could probably fuck a girl into forgetting everything. He won't be interested in someone like me. My scars run deep emotionally and physically. I try not to draw attention to myself as the bar begins to get busy. I look up more than once, to see those dark mysterious eyes looking at me. I quickly look away. If I don't look away, I'm afraid of what I might do or let him do to me. He is not the cure to what is ailing you girl, you know that. But he could be the distraction I need right now, focus girl. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I nearly jump out of my chair, back to reality. It was the nice man from earlier. He pulls up a chair to sit across from me. "Are you doing ok?" "can I get you anything?" Thank you, no you have done enough for me, I will be on my way. You need this table for a paying customer, that I am not. Wait a minute pretty, my name is Walter, what is your name if I can ask? I am looking down at the floor, biting on my bottom lip and rubbing my hands, why am I so nervous? You don't have to answer me right now, just call you Pretty if that is ok? I just nod my head nervously, never looking directly at him. You are a very pretty, girl, beautiful eyes if I may say so. I bet a lot of people have told you that haven't they? Still can't look at him, getting a little more anxious, need to go, now. I put my hand on the table to steady myself as I get ready to make a dash for the door. Walter puts his hand gently on mine, "Pretty, I have a proposition for you if you are interested in making an old man happy?" I knew it, he is just like all the rest. I grab my backpack and make a run to the bathroom. Get inside the bathroom, can't breathe, my heart is racing, hand and legs tingling, my head is spinning. I need to sit down, well I guess the commode is it. I sit down, resting my head against the cool wall of the stall. I close my eyes and try to breathe. Flashback-I remember sitting in the car with Locke, a friend of my parents, nice guy, went to the store with him needed to get medicine for my friend his stepdaughter, she doesn't feel well, will I come and help him, sure I say, why not. I had spent the night with them, I want to help take care of her. We are in the car, he stops the car on a strange street. "Why are we stopped?" I ask. "I want to show you something." Locke says. He turns in the seat, looks at me. "you are such a beautiful girl, big blue eyes, shiny red hair. I want to show you how a man shows a woman he loves her." What was he talking about, I was only 10 years old what did I know about this! I don't want to to disappoint, so I let him take off my glasses, rubs his thumb across my lips, so soft he says. He reaches down and places his lips on mine, I feel his tongue, what is this ? I pull away. He says, "this is how a man shows a woman he loves her, don't you want to learn how?" I feel sick by now, I don't know what I am suppose to do. I just shake my head yes and pray this is over soon. Next he touches my breast.
"so soft, feels so good, you like it don't you?" No I don't, but I can't get any words out of my mouth, I want to go home, please! I close my eyes, please make it stop! He takes his hand and reaches between my legs. "noooo please don't." "Baby this will make you feel really good I promise." "Please stop, please, I want to go home. Anywhere but here right now!"

Hear banging on the door, "are you done in there, need to pee!" Back to reality, you are not there, he is not here, can't hurt you. Have to get out of here, can't let this happen again. turn on the cold water, splash some on my face, look n the mirror, time to run. Take a deep breathe, pull open the door, blow past the woman waiting for the bathroom, running for the door. Head down, not paying attention to what was in front of me, slam right into a brick of a man, tall blond tossled hair, muscled arms and chest, tanned and those damn devious blue eyes. I can't look away from those beautiful eyes, they have a hold on me. He caught me by the arm, as I attempted to fall over myself. "Hey, Hey, what's your hurry there babygirl? We haven't met yet, my name is Mac." I look up into those delicious eyes, he smells so good, like smoke, whiskey and pure sex. "What's your name beautiful? You must be new round here, something as fine as you, I would know who you are if you know what I mean." I just continue to stare into those eyes, taking all of him in, he is intoxicating. Why would this man be interested in me, the same reason as always, not because of who you are but what you have to give. Remember you are broken. I continue to look into his eyes, my chest pressing into his, I can feel his muscled chest, his hand touching my arm, feels hot to the touch, and then the delicious way he smells, I am having trouble remembering my own name. Run, run now girl before you fuck this up like you always do, he doesn't want your broken, damamged ass. Another part of my dark and twisted soul wants nothing more that to have this man take me, make me forget, forget is all. Take me out of this hell I live in, if only for a moment in time. Be what ever you want, I am yours, do with me what you will. I don't deserve anymore than that, damaged and broken, remember. My name, I remember, my name is Cynder.

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